Sensor adalah pelanggaran HAM: pelanggaran thd hak berekspresi.  Dulu
jaman ORBA semua juga disensor.  Kita sudah meninggalkan kejahiliyahan
 authoritarianism itu dan lucunya di hampir semua negara bermayoritas
muslim masih ada sensor termasuk Turki dan Malaysia. 

Kalau Cina memang secara resmi masih negara Komunis.

--- In, "khaidarmak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sebenarnya nggak cuma iran (dan syria) saja yg menyensor content
> internet warganya. Tapi negara2 yg menjadi sekutu amrik kayak arab
> saudi, mesir juga melakukan hal serupa. Kemarin bahkan ada blogger di
> mesir yg dimasukin ke penjara. Sensor internet nggak cuma di timur
> tengah saja sih, tapi di negara besar kayak cina ya main sensor juga.
> Khaidar
> --- In, Ari Condrowahono
> <masarcon@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > yg suka memberangus mulut warganya tuh IRAN ...
> > 
> > liat yg meeka banned ...
> > 
> > women's rights sites,
> > reformist political sites,
> > news media,
> > websites for the New York Times,
> >,
> >,
> >,
> > Blogger,
> > YouTube
> > The Kurdish version of Wikipedia
> > and Wikipedia
> > 
> > kalo yg porno porso wajiblah dibanned.
> > 
> > dan ngefilternya pake apa coba ??  barang ilegal.
> > 
> > content-control software SmartFilter, developed by San Jose firm
> > Computing.  However, Secure denies ever having sold the software to 
> > Iran, and alleges that Iran is illegally using the software without a 
> > license
> > 
> > ===
> >
> > Internet Censorship in Iran
> > 
> > 
> > Background
> > 
> > In the first decade of the 21st century, Iran experienced a great
> > in Internet usage, and, with 7.5 million people on the Internet, 
> > currently has the second highest percentage of its population
online in 
> > the Middle East, after Israel.[1] When initially introduced, the 
> > Internet services provided by the government within Iran were 
> > comparatively open. Many users saw the Internet as an easy way to get 
> > around Iran's strict press laws.[2][3] With the election of Iranian 
> > president Mohammad Khatami, and the start of the 2nd of Khordad
> > movement, a clampdown occurred that worsened after the election of 
> > conservative president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2005. Iran is now 
> > considered to be one of the most repressive Internet-censorship
> > in the world.
> > 
> > Many bloggers, online activists, and technical staff have faced jail 
> > terms, harassment and abuse.[4][5] In November 2006, Iran was one
of 13 
> > countries labeled "enemies of the internet" by activist group
> > Without Borders.[1]
> > 
> > Recently, the Iran government required all Iranians to register their 
> > web sites in Ministry of art and culture. They also plan to filter
> > other websites up to March 2007 [6].
> > 
> > 
> > Internet service providers
> > 
> > Every ISP must be approved by both the Telecommunication Company of
> Iran 
> > and the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, and must implement 
> > content-control software for websites and e-mail. ISPs face heavy 
> > penalties if they do not comply with the government filter lists. At 
> > least twelve ISPs have been shut down for failing to install adequate 
> > filters.[7] The state blacklist consists of about 15,000 websites 
> > forbidden by the Iranian government.[3] Before subscribers can access 
> > Internet service providers, they must first promise in writing not to 
> > access "non-Islamic" sites.[8]
> > 
> > 
> > Software
> > 
> > The primary engine of Iran's censorship is the content-control
> > SmartFilter, developed by San Jose firm Secure Computing.[8] However, 
> > Secure denies ever having sold the software to Iran, and alleges that 
> > Iran is illegally using the software without a license.[9]
> > 
> > As of 2006, Iran's SmartFilter is configured to filter local 
> > Persian-language sites, and block prominent English-language sites,
> such 
> > as the websites for the New York Times,,, 
> >, Blogger, YouTube and Wikipedia. Though,
> > the filter was removed from some of the websites, like Wikipedia, 
> > Blogger, Amazon and IMDB, mostly due to huge protests from Iranian 
> > users.[citation needed]
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The Kurdish version of Wikipedia was blocked for several months in
> 2006, 
> > according to Reporters Without Borders.[10]
> > 
> > The software effectively blocks access to most pornographic sites,
> > and lesbian sites, women's rights sites, reformist political sites,
> news 
> > media, sites that provide tools to help users cloak their Internet 
> > identity, and other sites nebulously defined as "immoral" on various 
> > grounds. Iran censors more Internet sites than any other nation
> > China.[1]
> > 
> > 
> > American proxy server
> > 
> > Iranians can sometimes access forbidden sites through proxy servers, 
> > although these machines can be blocked as well. In 2003, the United 
> > States began providing a free proxy server to Iranian citizens
> > its IBB service Voice of America with Internet privacy company 
> > Anonymizer, Inc.[9] The proxy website changes whenever the Iranian 
> > government blocks it.
> > 
> > However, even the U.S. proxy filters pornographic websites and
> keywords. 
> > "There's a limit to what taxpayers should pay for," an IBB program 
> > manager was quoted as saying.[11] The forbidden keywords are 
> > controversial--banning "gay" effectively bars access to a host of gay 
> > and lesbian sites--and have had unintended consequences. The
banning of 
> > "ass", for example, blocks access to the website of the United States 
> > Embassy.[12] A complete list of the blacklisted keywords on the
> American 
> > server can be found here.
> > 
> > 
> > Internet connection speed restrictions
> > 
> > In October 2006, the Iranian government ordered all ISPs to limit
> > download speeds to 128kbps for all residential clients and internet 
> > cafes. Although no reason for the decree was given, it is widely 
> > believed the move was designed to reduce the amount of western media 
> > (e.g. films and music) entering the country.[13] There is also a 
> > newfound state awareness of how domestically produced content
> considered 
> > undesirable can pervade the internet, highlighted by the 2006 
> > controversy over the appearance of a celebrity sex tape featuring a 
> > popular Iranian soap opera actress (or a convincing look-alike).[1]
> (See 
> > the Iranian sex tape scandal)
> > 
> > 
> > Domestic criticism
> >  
> > Example of a block page as they are seen in Iran. This example is
> > an Internet café in Tehran, Iran.[14]. May 2006.
> > 
> > Not all the Iranian public back up the governmental decision and a 
> > petition has been developed to Stop Internet Censorship in Iran. The 
> > censorship is expected to persist with the presidential election
of the 
> > conservative candidate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > jano ko wrote:
> > >
> > > Aisha berkata =
> > >
> > > Mimpi sih boleh pak Jano, tapi jangan kelewatan karena status
> > > dan pendidikan rendah muslim disana sulit untuk bisa berperan
> > >
> > > ============ ========= ========= ========= ========
> > >
> > > jano - ko =
> > >
> > > Nich jawaban jano-ko yang ringan-ringan dulu.
> > >
> > >
> > > Jano - ko tidak bisa membayangkan kalau seandainya ada pemimpin
> negeri 
> > > ini yang melarang warganya untuk bermimpi , sedih tenan aku.
> > >
> > > Bayangkan saja, bermimpi saja tidak boleh apalagi berpendapat, 
> > > jangan-jangan nanti warga-nya pada "dibrangus" mulutnya.
> > > Jadi engga bisa nonton acara TV Republik Mimpi dong.
> > >
> > > hik...hik... hik,,,
> > >
> > > Kasiman
> > >
> > > Selamat pagi.
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

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