3 August 2007 16:34

Forgotten champion of Islam: One man and his mosque 

A crumbling house in Liverpool conceals a curious secret: the 
vandalised remains of Britain's first mosque. Now, finally, the city 
is set to restore it - and to honour the eccentric lawyer who created 
it. Michael Savage discovers his remarkable story 

Published: 02 August 2007 

Number 8 Brougham Terrace in Liverpool is a derelict semi-detached 
house. Its whitewashed facade is filthy, its front door scratched and 
swollen and its rear gates are covered in graffiti. Pigeons have made 
the roof their home. The condition of the interior is even worse. 
Large, orange rings of dry-rot fungus cling to the walls. Pieces of 
the roof are scattered across the floor. 

There is little to suggest that No 8 Brougham Terrace is anything 
special. But underneath the dust and the mould is a building of 
extraordinary historical and social significance. This was Britain's 
first true mosque.

And following years of neglect, it could finally be about to receive 
the restoration treatment that, given its place in the nation's 
history, it surely deserves. The Bishop of Liverpool has called for 
action. The Saudi and Kuwait governments are interested in helping to 
fund a project that would cost £2.4m.

With Liverpool gearing up to be European Capital of Culture next 
year, the plight of the forgotten mosque is attracting attention 
again. That, in turn, has shed light on the astonishing character who 
founded it on Christmas Day 1889.

William Quilliam was a solicitor. But in late 19th century Britain 
there was no other solicitor quite like him. He is said to have 
appeared in court wearing Turkish ceremonial dress. Others claim he 
travelled through Liverpool on a white Arab horse, or that he was 
descended from a first lieutenant who fought with Nelson at Trafalgar.

Such stories may well be apocryphal, yet Quilliam was a man whose 
life needs no embellishing. Few religious figures have championed 
their faith the way the man who became Sheikh Abdullah Quilliam did. 
He did so despite often facing hostility from his own countrymen. He 
was made the Sheikh of Britain by the last Ottoman emperor, converted 
hundreds to his religion, and was honoured by the Sultan of Morocco, 
the Shah of Persia and the Sultan of Afghanistan. The mosque at 8 
Brougham Terrace was his crowning achievement.

Born in 1856, Quilliam was the son of a wealthy watchmaker, and 
became a solicitor after training at the Liverpool Institute. But 
life as a lawyer took its toll on Quilliam and in 1882 he travelled 
to the south of France to recover from stress. While he was 
recuperating, he decided to cross the Mediterranean to Morocco and 
Algeria and it was there that his fascination with Islam began. At 
the age of 31 he converted to the religion, changed his name to 
Abdullah and bought a marmoset as a pet.

"He never went anywhere without that monkey," said Quilliam's 
granddaughter, Patricia Gordon. "It used to sit on his shoulder. He 
had a little fez made for it and would even take it to the British 
Museum when he was studying there. He was an old Victorian eccentric. 
He was his own man and he did what he wanted to do all his life. When 
he walked into a room, everyone would go quiet. He was a very 
colourful character."

His love of exotic animals turned his home into a zoo - he reportedly 
kept a jackal, a wolf, a fox and even a crocodile.

For Quilliam, his own conversion was just the start of his loud and 
proud association with Islam. He soon found he had the knack of 
convincing others of its merits. He first began holding lectures on 
his new religion and then founded the Liverpool Mosque and Institute 
in the small semi on Brougham Terrace, West Derby Street, in 1889.

Within 10 years of his return to the city, he assembled a following 
of about 150 Muslims, almost entirely made up of British converts. 
Scientists and professionals were among Quilliam's group, along with 
his sons and his mother, who had spent most of her life as a 
Christian activist. He also produced two journals, The Crescent and 
The Islamic Review, on a printing press in the mosque's cellar. Both 
were circulated internationally.

But Quilliam's misssion did not stop at publishing. He set out to 
help ease Liverpool's social ills, founding the Medina Home, which 
cared for illegitimate children and found them foster parents. He set 
up the Muslim College, a weekly debating society and also wrote a 
book of Muslim hymns in English.

He still found time to write a book. The Faith of Islam was published 
in 1899 by a small local printer and was translated into 13 
languages, with three editions published. Quilliam proudly said that 
it had been read by Queen Victoria and the ruler of Egypt.

But not everyone appreciated Quilliam's vigour. Soon after he 
converted to Islam, he was evicted from his house by his landlord, 
who took exception to his rejection of Christianity. The timing of 
his book on Islam compounded the vitriolic hatred that some in the 
Christian community felt for him. "The ongoing conflict with Sudan 
meant that the very mention of Islam in Britain was like a red rag to 
a bull," says Professor Humayun Ansari, an expert in British Islamic 
history from Royal Holloway College, London.

Quilliam was never one to go quietly and launched a series of attacks 
on the British government. When the Prime Minister, William 
Gladstone, was due to give a speech in Liverpool urging action 
against the Ottoman Empire for its treatment of Armenians, Quilliam 
leapt to the emperor's defence. He gathered his congregation at the 
mosque to make a rival speech, during which he declared the West was 
quite happy to ignore "Christian atrocities" elsewhere.

"An American explodes a bomb in the crowded streets of Constantinople 
and slays innocent women and children and, because he calls himself a 
Christian he is extolled in England as a hero and as a patriot!" 
Quilliam wrote. "An Afghan fights for his fatherland in the Khyber 
Pass, and because he is a Muslim he is denounced as a traitor and a 

According to Professor Ansari, Quilliam paid a price for his 
stance. "Of course, he was lampooned, but it showed that he was a 
courageous man, as well as a controversial figure. Although other 
English people had converted, they tended to keep a low profile. 
Quilliam on the other hand was much more forthright and challenging, 
making him a high-profile public figure in the process."

Unsurprisingly, Quilliam developed a difficult relationship with the 
press. The Liverpool Review described his quest to convert the city 
to Islam as "silly and unwelcome". He became a regular contributor to 
the letters pages, attempting to right what he saw as the incorrect 
popular view of Islam, derived from myths dating back to the Crusades.

He wrote: "When we consider that Islam is so much mixed up with the 
British Empire, and the many millions of Muslim fellow subjects who 
live under the same rule, it is very extraordinary that so little 
should be generally known about this religion. And consequently the 
gross ignorance of the masses on the subject allows them to be easily 
deceived, and their judgement led astray."

His outspoken stance also made his mosque a target of abuse. During 
one confrontation, a crowd of 400 protesters gathered outside the 
building, hurling mud, stones and rotten vegetables at those leaving 
the prayer hall. In 1895, a group threatened to burn Quilliam alive.

His efforts to promote Islam brought him praise and powerful friends 
throughout the Muslim world. The Shah of Persia made him a consul to 
his country. In 1894, Sultan Abdul Hamid II, the last Ottoman 
emperor, gave Quilliam the title of "Sheikh al-Islam of Britain", 
leader of British Muslims. The Sultan of Afghanistan gave him a 
£2,500 "personal gift", to help him continue his good works.

By the turn of the century, Quilliam had developed ambitious plans to 
build a mosque from scratch, complete with a dome and minarets. But 
true to his eccentric character, he took a sudden decision in 1908 to 
leave Britain, mysteriously heading back to the east and not 
returning until shortly before his death in 1932.

When Quilliam left Britain, he took with him the energy that had 
sustained his one-man mission so successfully. Without him at the 
helm, the institutions he had set up declined, including the mosque. 
It eventually ended up in the hands of Liverpool City Council. When 
the authority moved out, it fell further into disrepair, "probably 
because water got in after thieves took the lead from the roof", said 
Galib Khan, a leading member of the group attempting to restore the 

Mohammad Akbar Ali, chairman of the Abdullah Quilliam Society set up 
to campaign for the restoration, added: "Quilliam officially opened 
it on Christmas Day in 1889 with a special breakfast for 130 of the 
city's children."

A fundraising meeting earlier this month was attended by the 
ambassadors of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. But for Mr Ali, there is a 
wider principle behind finding British money to restore Abdullah 
Quilliam's legacy.

"Part of the problem faced by young British Muslims now is that they 
have no Islamic heritage they can truly call their own," he 
said. "When Muslims born and bred in the UK want to revisit their 
Islamic roots, they go back to the countries of their ancestors like 
India, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia. But Quilliam is proof that Britain 
has its own Islamic heritage. Repairing his mosque with British 
money, either from the Government or the Muslim community, would act 
as a powerful symbol of British Islam. It is a religious heritage 
that all British Muslims can be proud of."

The Bishop of Liverpool, the Right Rev James Jones, is now patron of 
the fundraising campaign. He admits that being asked to take up the 
cause presented a "theological challenge" to him, but he was 
compelled by Quilliam's example. "One of the challenges in today's 
world is concentrating on the best examples of each other's religions 
and finding common ground," he said. "Quilliam was a man who did a 
huge amount of good work that all religious leaders should appreciate 
and the campaign to restore his institute is worth supporting, both 
nationally and locally." 

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