Alhamdulillah, Keith Ellison, muslim pertama yang terpilih menjadi 
anggota DPR AS, ternyata cukup bijak untuk tidak 'main hakim sendiri' 
dengan menyatakan:

"and let God decide if He will judge them"

I second you on that, mr Ellison. Allah yubarik fik!
That's all I can say ...!


--- In, "Dwi W. Soegardi" 
> Keith Ellison, muslim pertama yang terpilih menjadi anggota DPR 
> Serikat.
> Pendapatnya tentang kaum minoritas seksual:
> "...... I am a person who believes in civil and human rights are 
for all
> people. I've never been ashamed to admit that I think America needs 
to have
> human and civil rights for all people, particularly unpopular 
> Unpopular groups like the Muslim community, unpopular groups like 
> immigrants. Unpopular groups like the gay community. How in the 
world can I
> argue that America has to have rights for Muslims, who are 
unpopular, but
> not gays? That is a hypocritical position! I'm not asking people to 
> homosexuality. I'm saying it's wrong and immoral to kill them, beat 
them, or
> exclude them from working. You don't have to like them. Leave 'em 
alone. Let
> them live their lives and let God decide if He will judge them, as 
He will
> judge us all. That's all I'm saying."
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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