Menurut ayee sebenarnya kalo dipahami secara menyeluruh, islam itu sangat 
feminist bgett.. Cuma sayang sebagian org melihat dan memahami dari sisi2 
tertentu saja.
Mungkin banyak "feminist" Jadi-jadian, yang seolah2 cuma mereka yg mngerti tg 
keperempuanan... jadinya yaa tabrak sana tabrak sini tanpa melihat kondisi, 
situasi kodrat dan peran dasarnya.. Mudah2an sihh disini engga ada yaa, yaa 
tapi kalo ada yg tersinggung mohon maaf, mungkin anda terlalu sensi... hehehe

--- On Tue, 10/28/08, Trulee Khadija <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Trulee Khadija <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Fatwa: Istri Korban KDRT, LAWAN!
Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2008, 3:38 PM

Nah.. kalo udah baca artikel ini.. jadi tau kan, bahwa Islam SANGAT
menghargai keberadaan wanita sebagai mahluk Allah yang HARUS
diperlakukan secara pantas.
Kadang saya suka miris dengan kaum feminis yang senang berteriak2 ttg
kesetaraan gender. Apanya sih sebenarnya yang mereka tuntut? Apabila
hukum Allah diterapkan, maka dunia akan menjadi tempat yg paling
tenang bagi kaum wanita. PERCAYALAH :)

On 10/28/08, Dwi Soegardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:
> Syekh Al-Azhar memfatwakan istri yang dianiaya oleh suami, berhak melawan..
> Dipukul balas pukul.
> Sedangkan ulama Turki Fethullah Gulen melangkah lebih jauh, istri
> berhak membalas penganiayaan suami plus bunganya.
> Dipukul sekali balas pukul dua kali.
> http://www.arabtime kuwaitnews/ pagesdetails. asp?nid=24044& 
> ccid=18
> Egypt sheikh backs women's right to beat husbands
> CAIRO, Oct 27, 2008 (AFP) - Sunni Islam's highest authority has
> approved a woman's right to fight back if her husband uses violence
> against her, Egypt's Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper reported on Monday.
> The declaration by Sheikh Abdel Hamid al-Atrash, who heads Al-Azhar
> University's committee for fatwas or religious rulings, comes after
> similar rulings by religious leaders in Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
> 'A wife has the legitimate right to hit her husband in order to defend
> herself,' Atrash was quoted as saying.
> 'Everyone has the right to defend themselves, whether they are a man
> or a woman... because all human beings are equal before God,' he said.
> Over the last few days, Saudi Sheikh Abdel Mohsen al-Abyakan stressed
> the fact that a wife should resort to 'the same kind of violence' as
> her husband used against her, whether it be with a leather strap or a
> wire cable, the paper said.
> Prominent Turkish Muslim preacher and writer Fethullah Gulen went one
> step further and ruled that a woman should return the violence with
> interest.
> 'She should give back two blows for each one received,' the paper
> quoted him as saying.
> Rights groups quoted by Amnesty International say that 35 percent of
> Egyptian women killed each year die as a result of domestic violence.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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