Last update - 11:35 07/01/2009     
      ANALYSIS / Israel must double, triple, quadruple its medical aid to Gaza  
      By Ari Shavit  
      Tags: Hamas, Israel, Gaza   

      A few days ago, Physicians for Human Rights began soliciting $700,000 in 
donations for hospitals in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli humanitarian 
organization also provided a detailed list of the medical equipment Gaza lacks, 
including portable monitors, respirators, ultrasound and X-ray machines, 
wheelchairs, needles, dressings, catheters, oxygen, medical gases, 
endo-tracheal tubes, screws and plates for shattered limbs, and surgical 
gloves. According to PHR, Gaza also has a severe shortage of intensive-care 
beds, which cost about $50,000 apiece. Moreover, many Palestinian ambulances 
are out of commission. 

      As of Tuesday, dozens of people had responded to the call. Some NIS 
400,000 has been raised, mainly from Palestinian-Israelis. However, the 
campaign is still about $600,000 short. And every day, the needs are growing. 
Every day, Palestinian doctors are forced to operate on wounded Palestinians 
without surgical gloves, without anesthesia and without other basic medical and 
sanitary equipment. 

      What Israel's government should do, this very morning, is give PHR the 
missing $600,000. However, the government should not make do with that. Prime 
Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Ehud Barak must double, triple and 
quadruple the donation. The defense establishment must immediately provide a 
fund of $10-20 million that will inject new life into Gaza's collapsing 

      Money alone, however, is not enough. The Israel Defense Forces must seize 
the humanitarian initiative and erect a field hospital at the Kerem Shalom or 
Kissufim or Erez border crossings. The army should announce that first, the 
hospital will care for children: Any wounded Gazan child who is not receiving 
appropriate treatment in Gaza will receive excellent treatment at the Israeli 
hospital. If the experiment proves successful and is not abused, it can be 
expanded to offer emergency treatment to women, the elderly and anyone else not 
involved in terror. 

      The Israeli offensive in Gaza is justified. It was launched following 
incessant and intolerable provocations by Hamas. Nevertheless, the fighting in 
Gaza is causing humanitarian disasters. However unintentionally, it is 
nevertheless also hurting innocents. Therefore, the Israeli government has an 
obligation to complement the aerial operation and the ground operation with a 
humanitarian one. Israel must offer support from afar to Gaza's nurses, doctors 
and clinics. It must offer support from up close to every bleeding innocent in 
Gaza. It must immediately rescue the wounded families, ensure freedom of 
movement for ambulances and grant absolute immunity to clinics, medical 
warehouses and hospitals. 

      Only a bold and sweeping humanitarian initiative can show the world, and 
also ourselves, that we are indeed committed to universal moral values. Only an 
immediate and generous humanitarian initiative will prove that even during the 
brutal warfare that has been forced on us, we remember that there are human 
beings on the other side. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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