How Madoff's victims fell for his $92b scam
Andrew Clark
April 10, 2009 
HOW could so many smart, successful people have been so spectacularly gullible? 
Ever since Bernie Madoff was arrested in December over his $US65 billion ($92 
billion) scam, it has been a puzzle to figure out how he got away with cooking 
the books for the best part of two decades.

One answer, according to newly disclosed legal documents, is that some of his 
closest associates blithely turned a blind eye to warning signs. And they 
allowed themselves to be bullied and harangued by the 70-year-old.

The Massachusetts Secretary of State, Bill Galvin, has filed fraud charges 
against Fairfield Greenwich, a hedge fund which was among the biggest "feeder 
funds" to Madoff's investment empire. Fairfield had $US14 billion under 
management, including about $US7.2 billion in a fund that was 95 per cent 
dedicated to Madoff.

Galvin says Fairfield was criminally negligent and it made only the flimsiest 
of efforts to check what the financier was doing with its customers' money.

An intriguing insight comes in an email sent three days before Madoff's arrest 
by Jeffrey Tucker, the co-founder of Fairfield. Madoff's house of cards was 
beginning to collapse as investors, spooked by the financial crisis, pulled out 
large sums known as redemptions. Madoff wanted Fairfield to replace the outflow 
of money.

Tucker wrote to Fairfield's executive committee: "Just got off the phone with a 
very angry Bernie who said if we can't replace the redemptions for 12/31 he is 
going to close the account. His traders are 'tired of dealing with all these 
hedge funds' and there are plenty of institutions who can replace the money."

Shortly after midday on December 8, Tucker signs off: "I believe he is sincere."

The last sentence is telling. Tucker - who, ironically, is a former Securities 
and Exchange Commission official - fell for Madoff's bullying. It was a load of 
nonsense - there were no other institutions willing to provide money, and 
Madoff confessed 72 hours later that his business was riddled with lies.

Madoff had hundreds of victims, most of whom were not financial experts. They 
included members of the US Jewish community, who were acquainted with Madoff 
through country clubs and social networks in Long Island and Palm Beach. There 
were charities, benefactors and showbiz names such as Steven Spielberg and 
Kevin Bacon.

Madoff abused their trust, took their savings and used the money to fund his 
lifestyle of four homes, six boats, four cars and lashings of bling (he 
allegedly has 35 sets of watches and cufflinks). At least two suicides have 
been linked to Madoff's crimes.

Fairfield Greenwich is in a slightly different category. Fairfield was 
co-founded by Tucker and business partner Walter Noel, a Connecticut socialite 
who is a mainstay of the ponies and cocktails circuit.

Fairfield had acted as a go-between for Madoff since 1989, collecting money 
from investors and pumping it into Madoff's fund. For this, it took a cut of 1 
per cent of deposits plus 20 per cent of all accrued profits. To justify this 
commission, clients were promised that Fairfield was looking out for them by 
gaining "privileged access" to Madoff's accounts and conducting deep "due 
diligence" including "onsight reviews". Yet the paucity of some of these checks 
is laughable.

In a marketing document for clients, Fairfield boasted it would never have 
invested in a crooked venture like Bayou, a notorious hedge fund run by Samuel 
Israel, who faked his suicide to avoid prison for fraud. The reason? "We would 
question Bayou's obscure auditing firm."

This is fairly brazen since Madoff was audited by a single-man accountancy firm 
called Friehling & Horowitz, based in a mall outside New York City.

A Fairfield client once asked about this auditing outfit, prompting Fairfield's 
chief financial officer, Dan Lipton, to "investigate". He rang up Friehling's 
only employee, then emailed his client this reassurance: "Friehling & Horowitz 
CPAs are a small- to medium-sized audit and tax firm specialising in broker 
dealers and other financial services firms. They have hundreds of clients and 
are well respected in the local community."

Lipton's subsequent interview with regulators is worth reproducing:

Q. How did you determine they had hundreds of clients?

A. That's what the partner said on the phone to me.

Q. Did you corroborate it in any way?

A. No.

Q. How did you determine that they were well respected in the local community?

A. That's what our conversation - my conversation with one of the partners at 
Friehling & Horowitz - that's what was told to me.

Hardly the due diligence skills of Hercule Poirot, are they?

It isn't hard to imagine that Fairfield was lulled into a sense of security 
over a 20-year relationship. Others smelt a rat including Harry Markopolos, a 
financier who brought concerns about Madoff to the SEC's attention.

When the SEC investigated, Fairfield's chief counsel, Mark McKeefrey, had a 
phone conversation with Madoff to discuss what they should say to regulators 
during interviews. According to a transcript, Madoff's opener was: "Obviously, 
first of all, this conversation never took place, Mark, OK?"

In a statement this week, Fairfield attacked the Massachusetts regulator for 
making accusations with "20/20 hindsight".

The firm said it " conducted vigorous and robust monitoring" of the Madoff 
investments . the SEC, other regulatory agencies and every other investor in 
Madoff failed to detect his sophisticated fraud."

Fair point, but not all investors were promising their clients deep due 
diligence of Madoff. Tucker, Lipton and Fairfield's chief risk officer, Amit 
Vijayvergiya, received tours of Madoff's operation but never met the employees 
involved. How, asked investigators, did they know such people existed or that 
Madoff's trading strategy was being executed?

Vijayvergiya replied: "Madoff, after, you know, 18 years of a very lengthy and 
trusted relationship, an individual who had a stellar reputation and great 
credibility in the industry, . provided us with this information, so we had 
every reason to believe it was true."

That's not quite good enough, is it?

Guardian News & Media

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