*IBRAHIM ISA – Berbagi Cerita*

*Kemis, 13 Agustus 2009*




Sahabatku mahasiwa Thai itu, nama sapaannya, adalah 'Ei'. Nama 
lengkapnya: /*Kwanravee Wangudom. *//Dewasa ini// sedang menekuni studi 
di Belanda. Beberapa hari yang lalu 'Ei mengirimkan kepadaku sebuah 
cerpen berjudul 'BRA STORY'. Dalam bahasa Inggris. Ei sendiri yang 
menterjemahkannya dari bahasa Thai. Dikutip dari 'Bangkokbiznews.com'. 
Tema: Sekitar nasib, 'suka-duka' sebanyak 1959 karyawan-wanita 
perusahaan 'Body Fashion Unlimited' , sebuah pabrik 'BH' – <bahasa 
Belandanya, 'Bustehouder'; bhs Indonesianya, kutang wanita>, di Bangkok. 
Disinggung pula sikap mahasiswa umumnya di Bangkok, terhadap nasib buruk 
karyawan wanita pabrik 'BH'. Karena kaum mahasiswa itu terlibat dengan 
kehidupan di kampusnya sendiri, maka kurang peduli pada nasib rakyat 
kecil, yang diperas dan diperlakukan sewenang-wenang./

/Cerpen, tapi beneran! Sebenarnya kiriman itu adalah sebuah 'liputan' 
atau laporan. Ditulis oleh salah seorang jurnalis 'Bangkokbiznews.com'./

/Éi, merasa cerpen mengenai nasib suka-duka 1959 karyawan wanita Bangkok 
ini, menarik. Juga memilukan. Wahai, begitulah nasib karyawan 
buruh-kasar wanita di Bangkok. Diperas habis-habisan dengan kejam oleh 
modal konglomerat. 'Ei berharap supaya lebih banyak pembaca, lebih 
banyak orang tau tentang nasib karyawan wanita – di Bangkok. 'Ei minta 
padaku untuk meneruskan cerita buruh wanita Bangkok ini kepada siapa 
saja yang mau./

/* * */

Cerita ini laporan-lapangan dan wawancara jurnalis dengan Sekjen 
Serikatburuh 'The Triumph Labour Union' yang hadir pada waktu para 
karyawan melakukan demo memprotes pemecatan oleh pemilih pabrik. Alasan 
'populer' yang diberikan majikan adalah 'krisis finansil dan ekonomi 

/Ternyata nasib kaum buruh Thailand, tidak banyak beda dengan nasib 
buruh di Indonesia. Idem dito nasib buruh di negeri-negeri Dunia Ketiga 
lainnya. Diperas habis-habisan. Selain itu memperoleh perlakuan 
sewenang-wenang. Cerita jurnalis memperinci ongkos produksi untuk 
sepotong BH yang hanya 40 baht itu. Lalu perusahaan menjualnya dengan 
harga tidak kurang dari 500 baht. Sedangkan upah buruh seharinya hanya 
355 baht. Dalam 3-5 hari mereka harus menghasilkan 2000 sampai 5000 
potong 'BH'. Pabrik menggunakan sistim gaji menurut jumlah potongan 'BH' 
yang dihasilkan setiap buruh. Selain itu ada pembatasan jumlah minimum 
'BH' yang harus dihasilkan buruh dalam waktu tertentu. Hitung saja 
berapa besar keuntungan yang diperoleh kaum modal deri pemerasan 
terhadap kaum buruh dengan menggunakan sistim upah yang betul-betul 
memperpendek umur kaum buruh. Pokoknya luar biasa kejamnya sistim 
penghisapan yang berlaku di dunia bisnis kapitalis global dewasa ini./

/* * */

/Yang menarik sekali, ialah semacam kesimpulan yang ditarik dari nasib 
suka-duka karyawan pabrik 'BH' Bangkok, sbb:/

/Pertama, kaum buruh harus memperjuangkan nasibnya sendiri, dengan 
bersandar pada kekuatan organisasi mereka. Kedua, berusaha 
memperjuangkan suatu undang-undang perburuhan yang adil. Ketiga, Tidak 
menempuh cara aksi perjuangan pemboikotan -- Misalnya, dengan menyerukan 
agar dilakukan aksi pemboikotan terhadap hasil produk perusahaan tsb./

/Silakan pembaca menelaah sendiri kiriman CERPEN Sahabatku 'EI, sbb:/

/* * */

*Bra story** **– *Send and translated from the Thai language,

by /*Kwanravee Wangudom*/

Tue, 11/08/2009 - Tippimol Kiatwateerattana

A journey of a bra does not begin at the department store but in the 
hands of petite women who are 100% committed to their jobs. What they 
get in return for their love of their work comes in white envelopes.

What do you consider when buying a bra? Quality, colour, fabric, or 
sexiness? No need to answer now. I want to first introduce you to three 

Meet Thanyanun Praseotsang, 49, Yeung Kaewbuadee, 49, and Surin 
Hongklad, 52, the best assets of the factory. They are experts at sewing 
underwear for Body Fashion Limited (Thailand), producer and seller of 
underwear and swimming suits under the brands of Triumph, Valisere, 
Sloggi, Amo and Hom. All of them have worked for about 20 years, sewing 
more than 100,000 bras, panties and swimming suits.  When asked what 
they liked sewing most, they answered “bras”.

Before moving their production base to Bangphli Industrial Estate, the 
first Body Fashion Unlimited factory was in Silom. At the beginning, it 
was built to produce underwear. The 150 new employees included 
Thanyanun. At that time, 22 years ago, they received wages of 28 baht 
per day.

*40 Steps*

“Do you know that making a bra takes as many as 40 steps?” Thanyanun, 
more experienced than the others, starts to explain about the production 
process. “It is not like one piece done by one employee; we divide our 
work according to different steps. Even a tiny bow attached to a bra 
still takes 3 steps to get done.

“It starts with our supervisor dividing the job into 40 steps. She will 
then see who is good at what and distribute the tasks accordingly, 
together with a time coupon or the amount of time for each task.”

“To sew a bra, you first make the cups and join them to the band, then 
add elastic, straps, a closure, then attach the number and so on.  In 
constructing each cup alone, it takes several steps including placing 
the upper and lower cup pieces right side together and pinning at each 
end of the seam and at the dot or notch … God … too many steps,” Surin 
said.  She got too tired to continue explaining as there were a lot of 
technical terms used.

“The most difficult part is to insert the underwire into the channeling 
of the bra.” Yeung is considered the expert at this particular task. By 
working on this, what she also got were /crooked fingers./

“Too tight will not be beautiful, too loose is also not good. It must be 
well-balanced,” Yeung told us briefly as she does not normally talk 
much. Her friend had to interrupt. “Difficult or not you can see from 
her fingers that are now in such a crooked shape.  It took her a long 
time before she went to see the doctor”.

The one who has just been teased confessed that she was scared that she 
might have to undergo surgery on her fingers. She was not scared because 
of pain but that somebody might steal her position while she recovered.

“There might be a younger worker who can work faster than me.  The fact 
that I am now old, my energy has also reduced. So I have to stay strong. 
 There was one time when my mom was sick and I had to take her to the 
hospital at night. In the morning I had to get my sister to take care of 
her as I had to rush to work at 7 am.” In a humble way, she said that 
all parts of the (production) process are essential because if one 
particular task is ruined, all the products will be returned for us to 
redo.  It ruins the whole process.

“Even over-sewing lace by 1 mm, the work will be returned”. Thanyanun 
confirmed the intricacy and demand of the work.

In a year, these three senior women hardly took any days off.  Surin 
used the words “even when you are sick, you must drag yourself to work”. 
 For the best employee award, Thanyanun said that there was one time she 
woke up late and missed the bus from where she lived in faraway Rangsit. 
She had to take a taxi to Bangphli. “It cost more than my wages but I 
still had to come”, she said.

Do you still wonder why these three women are so diligent? Why do they 
love their jobs this much? If a worker has taken no sick leave or any 
other kind of leave and never reported late for work, they can earn 
1,200 baht or receive a yearly pension of around 450 baht.  The amount 
is not actually worthwhile but it is a result of the time coupon system 
of work that the factory practices.

*Rushing to beat the time coupons*

This /time coupon/ system may sound like a lottery but actually because 
of this, the employees have become nothing but “lean and weak”.

The /time coupon /system basically means the worker’s wage is paid 
according to the wholesale price of a finished product. Each assigned 
task will come with fixed amount of time its completion. “For example, 
if we are tasked to stick on 20 bows with a 20 minute coupon, that means 
we have to get it done within 20 minutes.  Each day, we have to do the 
task at this rate for up to the 480 minutes they assign. If we cannot 
match the given amount of time, we will only get the minimum rate (355 
baht per day). But if we can, they will count the excess time at 1.03 
baht per minute,” explained Boonrod Saiwong, Secretary-General of 
Triumph International Labour Union.Workers who cannot finish the tasks 
within the fixed time get told off by the supervisor.  At the same time, 
colleagues who are involved in the process will automatically put 
pressure on them too as the output of each worker also affect their work.

“So there is no surprise if you see some employees cry while sewing,” 
said Thanyanun.

Since this system stimulates employees to produce more because nobody 
wants to receive just the minimum rate, what everyone does is to rush to 
get their tasks done. They do not drink if they are not desperately 
thirsty and will hold off going to the toilet. They will not eat 
anything that will put them at risk of getting diarrhoea.  At the lunch 
break, they keep working until a guard blows a whistle meaning they will 
just have to stop. For all these efforts, they are rewarded with kidney 
diseases, cystitis, pyelonephritis and stress.

In the making of a bra, each step requires high dedication, skill, 
lightness of touch, good concentration, and love for the job.

 “If you do not love the job, you will not be able to do it.  Each step 
is very detailed and the end result must look nice,” Surin said.Beauty 
is increasingly demanded and accords to fashion trends, not excluding 

“When we focus on making it more fashionable, the tasks also get more 
difficult and complex. It is more difficult to sew and patterns are 
never the same.  Some stock orders come only in 2,000 – 5,000 pieces and 
are required to be done in 3 – 5 days. No matter how difficult it is, we 
have to speed up. This is totally contrary to the time coupons given to 
us which are never increased. This way, 480 baht per day is tougher to 
strive for. We often have no problem with bulk orders of more than 
10,000 pieces because of the simple patterns we are familiar with,” 
Boonrod explains.  

Persons who do not speak much like Yeung also could not help telling us 
that with this current system, hardly anyone gets to work on what they 
are really good at. “Once we are getting used to the work, our 
supervisor will move us to a different task.

“If we are used to the task, that means we will be able to finish 
quickly and they will deduct our time, or if they see that we can 
produce a lot, when new stock orders come, they will give it to 
different workers and deduct their time instead”.  As long as this 
system continues, there will be tricky workers who will find a shortcut 
by trying to please the boss to avoid being assigned difficult tasks so 
that they will be able to negotiate more easily.


*Happiness that workers never get to wear*

In spite of the dire work situation at Body Fashion Limited, none of the 
factory workers wants to quit their jobs. The reputation and stability 
of the factory are of concern to them but there are also other reasons 
that are more important to them.

“Each bra that we made, we made with our hearts… not for the sake of 
merely making one. If we do not love the job, we will not be able to do 
it nicely. There is a kind of happiness when you see your end result 
come out nicely,” Surin revealed her feelings.

…Even if it is a kind of happiness that they will never get to wear.

“People who produce bras that are sold throughout the world have no 
chance of buying them for themselves because they are incredibly 
expensive. There are quotas for employees, but these are often of a 
different grade which are made in Vietnam. Otherwise, we have to wait 
for post season sales in department stores, but those are also not 
durable. Often the elastic will not last long”, Boonrod said.

Despite that, when we walk past the lingerie sections in department 
stores, we can not help smiling when we see our own work hanging there 
attached to such incredibly high price tags.

“We are like… Wow!! each of them costs as much as 2,000 baht. We feel 
proud inside that those are our work”, Thanyanun grinned.

Surin said, “We are happy just to look at them, hoping people who buy 
them would be happy like we are too”.

Today, out of the blue, the happiness of these four women and their 
other 1,954 colleagues has come to the end. They were laid off two 
months ago, the reason given being that the company has had to change 
their business structure worldwide.

At 1 am. on Friday 26th June, unlucky employees received bad news 
through mobile phone messages telling them to come to hear what the 
company had to say at BTEC, Bangna on Monday 29th June.

“When we arrived, those who came to hand us envelopes were soldiers in 
black uniforms, equipped with arms.  Before entering the venue, they 
checked our bags. Even bottles of water were not allowed. Think about 
it, who would bring weapons? We did not even know why they told us to go 

The Secretary-General of the Triumph Labour Union added that 1,959 
employees were put into 4 categories including 1) those who took leave, 
were absent or late for work 2) pregnant women 3) those who had been 
working for a long time, and 4) those who had occupational illnesses. 
Thanyanun, Surin and Yeung fell into the last two categories. Boonrod 
also faced the same fate as the Secretary-General of the Union.

“We used to calculate the cost of production for one bra starting from 
ordering raw materials to the cost of cutting. The average cost was 40 
baht but they sell at 1,000–2,000 baht. Where does the difference go to? 
Normally each day one order produced no less than 1,000 pieces and there 
are all together 57 orders. Imagine how much profit they make,” Boonrod 
gave us the information. 

Boonrod did not tell us the amount of compensation she got, but compared 
it to 40 good-quality swim suits. “All the effort that we had put in all 
the way was worth only 40 good-quality swim suits” the Secretary-General 

Although they are no longer employees, today they still go to the 
factory. What has made it different is that now they can only stay in 
the front of the factory, setting up tents, protesting and demanding for 

When asked the classic question, “what will you do next?” they all shake 
their heads with mild smiles before saying that “(we have) no idea. Now 
we only do one thing, which is to look at the factory and ask ourselves 
how they could do this to us. That Friday we were still doing OT 
(overtime). There was no sign and out of the blue, they laid off us 
through mobile phone messages. Is 300,000 baht worth your whole life?”, 
Thanyanun asks back.

The interviewer could not answer but would like to ask again the same 

*What do you consider when buying a bra?*

/• No bra , No way  /

Not many people from the younger generation have a chance to learn that 
the journey of a bra does not start in the department store.

Suluck Lamubol is a 4th year student from the Faculty of Arts, 
Chulalongkorn University. She is part of a group called ‘Food Not Bombs’ 
which is a loose-knit group of independent collectives, serving free 
vegetarian food to others including to those in the tents in front of 
the factory of Body Fashion (Thailand) Limited.

Normally the girl buys underwear at department stores especially those 
with special prices.  But still she chooses based on the price, quality 
and brand.  In the past, Triumph was one of the few brands she bought.

“Before that when I bought (bras), I was only concerned about the 
quality.  But since I have come to know the stories from our sisters 
here, we started to question”.

Suluck’s question came from the average price she normally pays for a 
bra which is no less than 500 baht, compared to the daily wage a worker 
earns, which is 355 baht, and the fact that they got laid off by their 
employers claiming that they lost money in their business due to the 
financial crisis.

“When I came to learn of the cost of production from our sisters here, 
we became even more sceptical about where the difference between the 40 
baht and 500 baht has gone to. Obviously not to the workers.”

Before that, Suluck used to think that if she did not like any products, 
she will just not buy or boycott them. “But having been able to 
participate in this protest, with this very problem the workers have 
faced, I learned that the problem is not whether we buy or not buy, but 
rather relies on the strength of the labour union and labour law. And it 
might not be only these workers working for this brand that face this 
particular problem.

Suluck confessed that “no bra” was one of the options she used to take. 
But it did not work for her anymore since they are still considered 
necessity. “In a capitalist world, we still need to consume. But what 
got me to think more was what else we could do to help the workers. This 
has brought us here and we carry back what we learned to share with our 
friends at our faculties”.

The result was -- “They still do not feel that the matter relates to 
them that much.  They think it is still far away from them”. But for 
Suluck, at least she does know.

/Published in Bangkokbiznews.com, 6 August 2009/

/Translated by Kwanravee Wangudom. * * */



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