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New treaty to leave 'fish pirates' without safe haven

Sunday, September 6, 2009
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News
Turkey and other members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United 
Nations, or FAO, have agreed on an international pact to implement measures to 
combat illegal fishing.

The final text of a new treaty that aims to close fishing ports to vessels 
involved in illegal, unreported and unregulated, or IUU, fishing has been 
agreed upon by a group of 91 countries during talks brokered by the FAO. The 
Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, 
Unreported and Unregulated Fishing will be the first-ever global treaty focused 
specifically on the problem of IUU fishing, the FAO said last week.

"By hampering responsible management, IUU fishing damages the productivity of 
fisheries - or leads to their collapse. That is a serious problem for the 
people who depend on them for food and income," said Ichiro Nomura, the FAO's 
assistant director-general for fisheries and aquaculture. "This treaty 
represents a real, palpable advance in the ongoing effort to stamp it out."

The agreement aims to help keep IUU-caught fish from entering international 
markets, thereby removing an important incentive for fishermen to engage in 
such practices. Participating countries agree to take a number of steps to 
close their ports to non-complying fishing vessels.

Ratification process

The agreement falls under Article XIV of the FAO Constitution, with the 
organization's director-general acting as legal depository for the countries' 

It will next be reviewed by the FAO's Committee on Constitutional and Legal 
Matters at its Sept. 23 to 25 meeting; from there it will go to the FAO Council 
starting in late September and the FAO Conference in November for final review 
and formal adoption. However, the substantive work on the treaty is considered 
to have been finalized already.

So-called "port state measures" are widely considered one of the most 
effective, and cost-effective, weapons in the fight against illicit fishing.

"Of course, the effectiveness of port state measures depends in large part on 
how well countries implement them," said David Doulman, an expert on the issue 
from the FAO, who noted that agreement provides assistance and support to 
developing countries to help them with implementation. "So the focus now is to 
make sure that countries and other involved parties have the means and know-how 
to enforce it, and that they are living up to their commitments.

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