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  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Razia Fatima 
  To: yanabi_sis...@yahoo.com.au 
  Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 3:59 AM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] The Destruction of Makkah & Madinah!


  "The Destruction of Historical Sites in
  Makkah & Madinah - The Cradle of Islam"

  Yet Muslim Ummah Remains Absolutely Silent!!!!! Q. WHY?

  The Saudis are now set on unprecedented onslaught of demolishing the 
  of Prophet Muhummed and the remaining historical structures in the heart of
  Makkah and Madinah, the cradle of Islam, revered by the world's over 1.5
  billion Muslims. Over the last two decades most of Makkah's
  1000-year-old historic sites have been bulldozed and replaced by casino style
  hotels, huge westernized malls, parking lots, roads and public washrooms.
  Failure to protect them from destruction is the biggest tragedy for the 
  architectural heritage. The Saudi royal family claims to be guardians of the 
  places of Islam, and profits hugely by visiting believers to Makkah and Medina
  for pilgrimage, and yet such self proclaimed custodians are party to this
  barbaric desecration of the holiest sites in the Islamic world.

  Today, the religious zealots in Saudi Arabia
  are not alone. Commercial developers such as Bin Laden Group and many others
  have joined hands with them and are making hundreds of millions in profits as
  they build ugly with out respecting any environmental concerns, and today
  lucrative high-rises are shadowing the Grand Mosque know as the Kaaba (House 
  God/Allah). Today Saudi petrodollars have the ability to silence even its most
  vocal critics, but when all is said and done, history will render a harsh
  judgment on those who try to wipe out its footprints and steal the heritage of
  all humanity.

  The problem is the Saudi's interpretation of Islam; they are opposed to the
  preservation of the old historic structures due to belief that some Muslims in
  their ignorance would overcome with love and awe that historic sites may
  invoke, leading to idolatrous thoughts. Destruction of the most precious sites
  in Islam for presumptuous fear of idolatry by some is like killing a child
  for fear that he may grow up to be less than pious. Instead of
  teaching proper Islamic etiquettes and manners one must conduct themselves
  with, when being around such historical sites of religious importance, the
  Saudis just annihilated these sites one by one. In effect, behind
  the obsessive fear of idolatry lies a complete lack of understanding and total
  fanaticism of radical Islam, unable even to appreciate its own past. The
  truth is that under the context of "Preventing Idolatry Thoughts" and
  be able to safely "Accommodate Pilgrims" in large numbers, all most
  all sites of historical importance related to Islam and early Muslims have 
  wiped out.

  What is the reason for this silence? "Is it because Muslims nations have
  become so overwhelmed by the power of the Saudi denial of Visas for Pilgrimage
  (Hajj), that we have lost all courage and self-respect? Or is it because we
  feel a need to cover up Muslim-on-Muslim violence; Muslim-on-Muslim terror;
  Muslim-on-Muslim oppression? Or it is fear of loosing ones life in a barbaric
  way?", stories of citizens being disappeared are far too common, where it
  is commonly believed that the truth seekers and protesters get thrown naked in
  middle of Rab-al-Khali, the worlds 3rd largest and the hottest
  desert if not executed in one of the many underground hidden prisons.


  As all Muslims
  of the world have stake in the upkeep and maintenance of two Holiest Mosques
  and related historically important Islamic sites. King Abdulaziz, upon 
  control of Arab lands including holy cities of Makkah and Madinah from
  legitimate Hashemite (Prophets Muhummed’s Tribe) rulers, promised to consult
  with Muslims of the world while undertaking major changes in the holy cities,
  this promise was never upheld, and hence it is time that Muslims held this
  regime responsible for such an irreversible breach of trust.


  We Muslims constantly
  rail against any wrongs inflicted on fellow-Muslims by non-believers, but hold
  our silence when Muslims kill, exploit and terrorize other Muslims. Thus, when
  the Americans kill Iraqis, or the Russians persecute Chechens; we are rightly
  offended and resentful. But when Saddam Hussein massacred Iraqi Muslims for
  years, Muslims around the world maintained a discreet silence. So why this
  conspiracy of silence? Thousands demonstrated against the desecration of the
  Holy Book Quran at Guantanamo Bay and thousand complained at the remark by
  Congressman Tom Tancredo of Colorado, referring to Makkah and Madinah said
  "If there is another 9/11 we should take out their holy places,"
  Where are those zealots now? Why aren't preachers at mosques demanding that 
  Saudi government halt their destructive plans? Alas, these double standards 
  what now define the Muslim Community. We have become completely neutered when
  it comes to criticizing other Muslims. This is not of washing our dirty linen
  in public but this is the time to self-analyze and self-criticize and these 
  need to be said out loud, clear and often.

  Saudi Arabia, a sisterly state of Israel, as it too was founded with the help 
and aid of United States and United Kingdom where Wahhabism/Salafism is the
  state form of Islam, has a long history of vandalizing and demolishing
  historical monuments. Cultural devastation of Islamic heritage sites
  is not a new phenomenon. The very sites and symbols of Islam and Muslims which
  are part of our identity have been demolished. In 1801 the
  Saudis-Wahabbis/Salafis waged a campaign against the Iraqi Muslims destroying
  and defacing the sacred tomb of the Imam Hussein in Karbala, Iraq.
  Then in early 1920 Saudi rulers Aal-al-Sa'ud (an Arab tribe of Jewish heritage
  from Arabian region of Najd) bulldozed and leveled a graveyard in Madinah -
  Cemetery of Al-Baqee -and Jannatul Moualla - in the holy city of Makkah that
  housed the shrines of the holy Prophet Muhummed, his family and his 
  This anniversary falls on Sept 27th/2009, (8th Shawal
  1430) and is Know as Yaum-al-Mahzan.

  The Saudis followed their conquest of Makkah and Madinah in the mid-1920s with
  an orgy of destruction. They leveled the "Jannat al-Baqi" or
  "Heavenly Orchard" at Madinah that included graves of the Prophet
  Muhummed's son, Ibrahim, as well as numerous of the Prophet's relatives and
  companions. They also looted the Prophet's Shrine in Madinah and demolished 
  cemetery in Makkah that included the graves of Muhummed's mother and
  grandfather. They completely destroyed mausoleums, mosques, and other honoured
  sites, including Muhummed's own house. It was even said that they wished to
  uproot the grave of Muhummed himself, and his dome because as per their
  interpretation a grave cannot be inside the Mosque, be it the grave of the
  Prophet of Islam it self. They were prevented from this last act by pressure
  from Muslims around the world. 

  Wahabism/Salafism vandalism continues today, by leveling of five of seven
  mosques built in the city Makkah & Madinah by Muhummed's daughter and four
  of his companions. These structures are the Mosque of Sayyida Fatima-tuz-Zahra
  bint Rasulillah, Salman al-Farsi Mosque, Abu Bakr Mosque, Umar ibn al-Khattab
  Mosque, and Mosque of Ali ibn Abi Talib. Wahhabism/Salafism is not about 
  but about power and nothing better illustrates the power of the state, in the
  mind of the Saudi rulers, than the desecration of holy places--including
  Islamic sites dating from the time of the Prophet Muhummed himself.

  My pain is what type opium we Muslim masses are on anyway? What will it take 
  shake our deep slumber? We Muslims should be in no doubt that acts of 
  do not speak for Islam, and that the perpetrators will get no shelter and no
  moral support from the people who love God (Allah). Today, Islam needs to find
  the resources within it to combat extremism. More importantly, the moment has
  come to shift our the struggle to warn the West about Jihadism and campaign to
  organize mainstream, traditional Muslims, throughout the world, for the
  liberation of our communities and our faith from the grip of corrupt rulers -
  whether in Saudi Arabia, or elsewhere throughout the Arab and Muslim world. 


  I find it appalling to see this inaction on part of
  Global Muslims and specially on part of Arab's, whereas the citizens of my
  town protested day and night to preserve a fragile 100 year old tree from 
  cut. It is time that we act, and become more aware of what is transpiring and 
do something to put a complete stop and wherever possible to reverse this loss. 
So far over 200 historic sites of Islamic importance have been
  lost forever in the Province
  of Hejaz,
  the future generation of Muslims have been robbed indefinitely of their
  heritage and what is all more disturbing is that Muslim Nations around the
  world continue to remain silent while the genocide of Islamic Holy sites

  of the destroyed sites listed here:


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