Refelksi : Kalau team audit tidak bisa dibeli, apakah  berarti sudah boleh 
dikatakan: "Bye Bye Mr President?"

November 30, 2009 
Febriamy Hutapea

Anticorruption activists cheer on a performer dressed as a Gecko at the Hotel 
Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta on Sunday. (Photo: Safir Makki, JG)

Bank Century Audit Team Vows It Can't Be Bought
A coalition of lawmakers who initiated a motion for the House of 
Representatives to investigate the central government's controversial bailout 
of PT Bank Century will meet with more national figures today to marshal 
support as it attempts to find out whether any money went missing. 

The Team of Nine lawmakers, comprised of representatives from all parties in 
the House, except President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's Democratic Party, will 
meet today with former Vice President Jusuf Kalla and Syafi'i Ma'arif, former 
chairman of Muhammadiyah, the country's second-largest Muslim organization. 

The House is expected to create a special investigation committee on Friday 
before it goes into recess. "We want to explain the substantial results of the 
Supreme Audit Agency's report and not look at this effort merely as a political 
move," said Andi Rahmat, a lawmaker from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) at 
a news conference on Sunday. 

The audit agency, known as the BPK, released a damning report last week, saying 
that as much as 40 percent of the Rp 6.7 trillion ($710.2 million) used to 
bailout the former Bank Century beginning in November 2008 was effectively 
illegal, and cited other serious wrongdoings that should be investigated by law 
enforcement agencies. 

However, the audit agency's failure to trace the Rp 6.7 trillion prompted 
lawmakers to push for their own inquiry, amid public speculation that some of 
the funds were diverted for other uses, including to finance Yudhoyono's 
re-election campaign. The president has flatly denied the allegations and 
welcomed an investigation. 

Last week, Firdaus Djaelani, executive director of the Deposit Insurance Agency 
(LPS), which transferred the money into Bank Century on orders from the central 
bank, said Rp 4.3 billion was taken by bank depositors and none diverted to any 
political parties. However, his explanation failed to appease lawmakers. 

"We will work responsibly, and it will be a shame if this scandal can't be 
revealed. We promise to all the Indonesian people to disclose this case and 
declare that the Team of Nine can't be bought or intimidated," Maruarar Sirait 
of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) said on Sunday while 
reading an integrity pact signed by each member of the nine-person team. 

During the weekend, the lawmakers met with former President Abdurrahman Wahid, 
founder of the National Awakening Party (PKB), and Amien Rais, founder of the 
National Mandate Party (PAN). Both parties have seats in the House and are part 
of Yudhoyono's governing coalition. 

Rais told reporters following the meeting that Yunus Husein, chairman of the 
Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), which holds data 
about the transfer of funds into Bank Century, had told Rais he had received 
death threats. 

On Tuesday, the team is scheduled to meet former House speaker Akbar Tanjung, a 
senior member of the Golkar Party, followed by a meeting with Golkar chairman 
Aburizal Bakrie. On Wednesday, the team will meet with Wiranto, chairman of the 
People's Conscience Party (Hanura). 

Vice President Boediono, who was central bank governor last year, and Minister 
of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati have said they moved to save Bank Century 
because its collapse would have posed a systemic threat to the country's 
financial system. Both have come under scathing criticism by some lawmakers for 
their actions. 

Several political activists and analysts have warned the House, also known as 
the DPR, against exploiting the investigation for political purposes, such as 
attempting to embarrass or weaken Yudhoyono. 

Burhanudin Muhtadi from the Indonesian Survey Institute said the meetings with 
political figures were meant to sway public opinion in favor of an 
investigation, as well as garner support for the general elections in 2014.

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