
Monday, March 15, 2010

VIEW: Do we need secularism? -Dr Khalil Ahmad

For Libertarians, religious freedom is an inseparable part of this natural 
personal freedom that the Constitution of 1973 so purposefully protects. 
Protecting religious freedom as a fundamental right is not only morally, 
spiritually, and intellectually of greater merit but is also socially harmonious

Secularism is an old song that keeps reverberating in the liberal, enlightened, 
progressive, leftist, and socialist circles of Pakistan. Earlier this January, 
news from Bangladesh that its Supreme Court banned the use of religion by 
political parties provided a fresh impetus to the choir. Since then a plethora 
of op-ed pieces appreciating and envying this progressive step of Bangladesh 
continues appearing in the newspapers. They all regret Pakistan's lagging 
behind in this important improvement.

In Pakistan, secularism have always been understood to mean something that is, 
harshly to mildly, against religion. However, the secularists' position is 
quite different: they hold that the state ought to be acting in an areligious 
manner instead of playing the religious card. They aim at neutralising the 
state's role vis-à-vis religion.

But has the Pakistani Left built its position philosophically? Or is it just a 
political ploy - an act of postponing it for a convenient future date to 
confront? Whatever the Pakistani leftists have intellectualised seems to ignore 
the tenacity of the religious factor! That makes their approach an idealistic 

Another entity in Pakistan, the classical liberals or Libertarians, believe 
otherwise. Their position, though not based on the Constitution of 1973, is 
akin to many of the fundamental rights ensured in it. The Articles that relate 
to the issue under discussion here are freedom of speech (19), freedom of 
association (17), freedom of assembly (16) generally, and freedom to profess 
religion and to manage religious institutions (20), safeguard against taxation 
for purposes of any particular religion (21), and safeguards as to educational 
institutions in respect of religion (22) especially.

In essence, these constitutional Articles presume individual citizens of 
Pakistan as independent thinking beings. They consider them as holding many a 
different view, opinions, philosophies, and professing various religious 
systems of thought as well. That is why the constitution secures the 
above-mentioned rights (16, 17 and 19) as fundamental. More than that, by way 
of association and assembly it provides the individual citizens with the rights 
(20, 21 and 22) to practice their views, opinions, philosophies and religious 
thoughts as well. Obviously rights 20, 21 and 22 are integral to rights 16, 17 
and 19. One group of rights is meaningless without the other. 

Likewise, the Libertarians too consider individual persons as free and 
independent thinking beings naturally endowed with certain inalienable rights 
that include the right to life and property (Articles 9, and 23 and 24), and to 
a life of their choice as all the rights (Articles 4, and 8 to 28) in unison 
aim at ensuring. That is why the Libertarians in Pakistan do not favour 
secularism as a viable political philosophy. They hold personal freedom as 
supreme and see the Constitution of 1973 truly embodying this spirit in the 
form of fundamental rights and unequivocally declaring all the laws 
inconsistent or in derogation of these rights to be void (Article 8).

For Libertarians, religious freedom is an inseparable part of this natural 
personal freedom that the Constitution of 1973 so purposefully protects. This 
position is also tenable with the larger scheme of fundamental rights of 
individual citizens enumerated in the constitution. Thus protecting religious 
freedom as a fundamental right is not only morally, spiritually, and 
intellectually of greater merit but is also socially harmonious.

In contrast to this, the Pakistani secularists expect and demand from the state 
and via it from the individual citizens to act in an areligious manner. On the 
one hand, this amounts to denying individual persons their due fundamental 
right to religious freedom, and on the other, this invalidates the Constitution 
of 1973 and especially its Articles 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, and 22. Instead the 
liberals, progressives, leftists, and socialists of Pakistan should be putting 
their energies to pressurise the government to strictly implement fundamental 
rights generally, and to secure especially the fundamental right to religious 
freedom to all the individual citizens of Pakistan without any discrimination. 
That is the urgent need of the times.

The writer is founder/head of the Alternate Solutions Institute,, a think tank dedicated to the cause of personal freedom 
and rule of law. He can be reached at

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