Bukannya penyebab banyaknya prostitusi remaja ini karena ulama2
mengajarkan kebencian kepada Amerika  dan Israel?

Makanya sepakbola pun kalahan ....

Termasuk ekonomi rusak dan kemiskinan, masalah TKW, dll semua itu
sama: karena membenci Amerika dan Israel!

masak Sunny ngga ngerti sih?

Gitu aja kok repot :)

On 6/21/10, sunny <am...@tele2.se> wrote:
> Pak Dul,
> Orang tua terkecuali yang gila atau petinggi agama apapun tidak ada yang
> mendidik atau menyuruh anak-anak perempuan untuk prostitusi, tetapi masalah
> ekonomi (perut) menjadi penyebab utama. Sama halnya dengan TKW, kalau tidak
> kepepet di rumah, mana mau ada wanita pergi jauh-jauh meninggalkan anak,
> suami, orang tua, kenalan dan teman karib, pergi ke lingkungan yang bisa
> merusak jiwanya.
> Wassalam,
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: abdul
>   To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
>   Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 2:31 AM
>   Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Teen prostitution on the rise in Bandung
>   sunny----------------Bismilahirrahmanirrahiim
>   Sekiranya benar bahwa banyak Teen Prostitution di Bandung
>   atau dikota kota besar...yang salah besar adalah;
>   1. orang tua.
>   2. Ulama2 dan usztad2
>   Dimana ajaran2 Ulama2 dan usztad2 serta orang tua kurang fektif menyakal
> perbuatan2 amoral..
>   Ulama2,Usztad2 dan orang tua harus meningkatkan dakwah dan pendidikan
>   kpd anak2 secara intesive.....
>   Bukan mencari kambing hitam atau melarang aktifitas2 orang lain
>   yang mecarinafakah dgn perbuatan2 amoral...yaitu menjual
>   gambar2 atau film2 atau internet2 porno dsb
>   Dunia ini ada 2 aktifitas yg berlawanan sekali yaitu aktifitas
>   kebaikan2 dan aktifitas syaitan....
>   Kalau ulama2 , Usztad2 giat memberikan teladan dan dakwah kpd anak2
>   insya ALLAH, teen Prositution akan mengurang..
>   Perbuatan2 amoral itu tidak akn bisa lenyab,dimana saja,karena
>   Allah mengizinkan Syiatan utk mengganggu manusia2 yg beriman.
>   salam
>   --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "sunny" <am...@...> wrote:
>   >
>   >
> http://www.dailychilli.com/news/4471-teen-prostitution-on-the-rise-in-bandung-
>   >
>   > Teen prostitution on the rise in Bandung
>   >
>   > A policeman, right, watches over two masseuses and their customers
> during a raid on suspected prostitution activities at a hotel in Changchun,
> in northeast China's Jilin province
>   >
>   >
>   > The Bandung authority is at loss to uncover cases of covert prostitution
> involving junior and senior high school students, whose number continues to
> rise in the West Java capital.
>   >
>   > Eli, a sex worker advocacy program mentor from the Rumah Cemara Group in
> Bandung, said it was hard to provide advocacy to teenagers involved in
> covert prostitution since most were not receptive.
>   >
>   > The number of those involved in covert prostitution is believed to be
> higher compared to commercial sex on the streets, she added.
>   >
>   > Eli has been providing support to more than 200 housewives and child sex
> workers over the past two years, around 20 of who are senior high school
> students between the ages of 15 and 16.
>   >
>   > "They are psychologically unstable at those ages. They are hard to
> handle due to their strong motivation to earn money to make purchases such
> as cell phones and shoes," Eli said after attending the Rescue and
> Prevention of Child Sexual Exploitation (ESKA) program's discussion in
> Bandung.
>   >
>   > She expressed concern that the spread of STDs such as HIV/AIDS, would be
> more difficult to prevent among the youths because the target group was
> harder to detect.
>   >
>   > "They don't care about contraceptives and the risks involved in
> exchanging partners. Parents are also seldom aware of their activities, so
> they are deprived of moral and health guidance," said Eli.
>   >
>   > The ESKA program has targeted that it could save 300 of around 1,000
> children predicted by the Save The Children group from prostitution.
>   >
>   > One child prostitution case currently being handled by the West Bandung
> Police involves a 15-year-old girl who sold herself for Rp 5 million Rupiah
> (US$550), just because she wished to buy a cell phone and get dental braces.
>   >
>   > Eko Kriswanto, program officer of the Save the Children in West Java,
> contributed high technology as a reason that made it hard to disclose covert
> child prostitution.
>   >
>   > He said since the program was initiated in Bandung in 2002, a change in
> the behavior of child sex workers had taken place.
>   >
>   > "Previously, prostitution was carried out openly at redlight districts
> or on the street. Now, they can carry out transactions without being
> detected by using social networking means such as Facebook or through email
> and cell phone," said Eko.
>   >
>   > "It's no longer always due to economic hardships. Sometimes they are 'on
> business' as an exchange for drugs, cash, phone credit or just free meals."
>   >
>   > Neti Supriati, Child and Women's Rights Protection division head of the
> Women's Empowerment and Family Planning Office, said the government has only
> mapped out the cases and provided counseling to victims of sex violence. But
> the government has yet make a move to curb child prostitution, she added.
>   >
>   > "We are just handling women and child household abuse cases only and
> have yet to move in that direction," said Neti.
>   >
>   > -The Jakarta Post/ANN
>   >
>   > Published June 20 2010
>   >
>   >
>   > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>   >
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