> John,
> I wish those who chose to war, would lead the soldiers as they did long
> ago.  At the front with their own lives on the line.
> It is my understanding Vietnam was a test of a new military strategy,
> where the military decisions were made by those safe in the United
> States.  I think the military action was welcomed as a good test for our
> developing military technology, because obviously the country was not a
> threat to us.

welcomed by whom ?

> For that matter, the threat of the USSR was exaggerated,
> and justified the 1958 National Defense Education Act, that proceeded
> social upheaval, and explosion of bad parents and a national youth
> crisis, and Bush's announcement that we the New World Order.

Why was it exaggerated ? Or are you referring to propaganda which generated
hatred and fear of Communism ? The USSR was a threat because it touted
Communistic tendencies, even though it was not truely a communist state.
But, I don't see how you can relate that to problems of bad parenting and

> I am not sure, but I think we greatly underestimated the effect of air
> warfare on our society and the world.    Our present technology and the
> resources of the United States  were the essential elements to the New
> World Order, and we have been preparing our young to serve it, same as
> was done in Germany, following the Prussian take over.  The citizens have
> no control over their military forces, because we can be in and out of
> war, long before a protest can be mobilized, and we sure aren't deciding
> who gets, how much of our military technology.   In fact how many know we
> granted arms to the Mid East while Reagan was in office.  At the same
> time we slashed domestic budgets.  CS

We're talking here about the midst of the Cold war, aren't we ? And aren't
we also talking about financing the US resources, which you suggest the rest
of the world relies on ? And as for US domestic spending, you want more
spending, pay higher taxes.. Or would you prefer to be under threat, without
the means of defense. It is true to say that the US is the major player in
defending sovereignty across the globe... But they are NOT alone. And the US
chose that position of power, and wants respect for that position,
therefore, to maintain that, money has to come from somewhere. MAybe you
find this a bit sarcastic, but the reality is that the govts in office are
elected by the people, those who choose to vote of course. Therefore, the
people, while not directly, but indirectly predicate where money goes.. If
not, why was Reagan or Clinton returned to office ?
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