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In a message dated 12/8/01 4:20:20 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< They think all the worlds problems can be solved by inventing cutesy names 
for everything (Was: Dumb as a Post. Now: Learning Challenged), Education 
scares the daylights out of them because an informed electorate is too hard 
to control, they think anyone should be allowed to do anything no matter how 
perverse and sick it is, and the rest of us should just sit back and pretend 
that its really normal and we're just prejudiced. They think the state can do 
a better job of raising kids than the parents can.
 --Renameing is common in all political partys. Liberal economy is as the 
moment (or has at least reasently) been forwarded as the good and final goal 
for the world trade and affairs. To call it by it's right name, economic 
anarcy for the big corporations, as it can and very well is expected by the 
big corporations to develop to, would not make it popular in the eyes of the 
public. >>
Just because something is common doesn't make it right. And it sounds like 
you're in favor of renaming things so the public can be deceived ... Tsk! Tsk!


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