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> In a message dated 12/8/01 4:20:20 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
> << They believe animals, plants and planet earth are more important than 
> human beings. A socialistic/communistic BIG BROTHER world government is their 
> main goal in life.....
> -------------------
>  --Humans, by themselves, can not uphold a biosphere that we can live in. As 
> in the timetable during the evolution humans evolved last. Yes, plants, 
> animals and the rest of this planet comes first or else humans die out. We 
> are a part of the biosphere and if we destroy it we have, ourselves, nowhere 
> to go. No man is an island. >>
> ___________________________________
> So you're in favor of what? ... Killing off as many humans as possible to 
> make it easier on the planet?

No, but I'm afrid you are. Destroy the biosphere, the air, the water and make a 
dessert of all the land and all die. You can't both have the cake and eat it - that 
is: you can't deroy the enviroment and go on living as it never happend. Isn't it 
better to be careful and make sure that we, also in the future, have air, water and 
furtile land than take a chance and don't bother until it's too late and say: "Sorry, 
but it was wrong so now we all die - but that's life?

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