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I have read what you have written, and I disagree, while I have a problem with people on welfare because they are too lazy to get off their butts and do something for themselves, I don't believe that they should be precluded from voting. They not only have that right as a citizen, but also that responsibility, morally and legally. After all governments are predicated on the idea that they are there to represent the people. All the people, not just those who can afford them.
On the other hand the governments are there for the people, and therefore should have programs for them to re-enter the workforce. Even if that does include gardening, military service, or some form of community program. Even if it means sending some back into the school system to be re-educated in some form or another. And maybe that is where these issues should be addressed, it seems there is a continuum of the downgrding of education standards that seem to correlate with the increase in welfare costs....
As for your comments regarding wheel chairs .... I found them amusing, but you seem to enjoy provoking responses by the use of disciminatory niches.
But, if I was in a wheel chair... I don't think I'd like to be on the 68th floor either.... But I also wouldn't want to be told that I couldn't be there!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: {W&P} Bush & Treaties.... welfare and Voting

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maree wrote:
And what makes you believe that people on welfare, the recipients of the redispersion of taxation, actually vote for those in power?  Do they actually vote at all? Surely you don't suggest that we turn the clock back 200 yrs+ to the days when only the aristocracy and those with vested interests had right to say how society was run? Surely we have moved onand the rights of citizenship means more than money? And you must also remember that a number of the people that you refer to as welfare recipients are not there of their own choice.

Some people are not in a position to make that choice. The concept of welfare is to enable people of the lower eschalons to be educated and have opportunities to achieve. If you take that away from them, you will be further degredating society. Surel the means to alleviate the problems of welfare are to provide better education, rather than further discrimination.

I don't believe that those on welfare actually are in charge of the cheque book. As I also understand the system, you are only permitted to be on welfare for a certain period of time, and must find employment. What about those on welfare who are disabled? or those because their marriage has broken down, or because businesses have shut down, or because some illness has befallen the family, which means that the person who would normally be employed becomes the primary care giver?


As with any rule, there should be exceptions. However, I do not want to create another "agency" to determine who should vote and who should not.  Keep it simple. Everyone receiving public assistance is reported to the board of elections and they are not allowed to vote. Whether they are on assistance by choice or by unfair circumstances, they should not be allowed to vote. Further, I like to think that voters determine (very indirectly) how money is spent by the government. As crude as it sounds, if a person is forced on welfare because of a broken marriage, well, I didn't pick him (her).

The welfare limitation is a relatively new law, but there are dozens of other types of public assistance that have no limitations, and some should not have limitations, just for some of the cases you mentioned... but they should still not be allowed to vote.

While on improper laws and rules, I do not think people in wheel chairs should be in sky scrapers. The press has not allowed much of this story to be reported, but many people trying to get out of the WTC found stairwells jammed with dozens of wheel chair bound people.

Come on, if you were in a wheel chair, would  you want to be on the 68th floor of any building? Not me!!!


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