SYSTEM with Amazing Apple Cider 
Roger wrote:
If keeping someone from doing something really stupid that puts themselves and those around them at risk of death (like people in wheel chairs in 110 story buildings) makes me a discriminatory person, so be it. My discrimination will (and has in the past) saved lives. 
maree wrote:
 Surely then, if people in wheel chairs are to have access to buildings of such height then there should also be a responsibility on the owners / developers / architects to ensure that the same risks are countered, building codes should reflect and adequately cover these problems. While you may argue that this is not a viable option, nor is the option to limit the height that there is wheel chair access. It is another catch 22, you discriminate to save lives, by denying equal access.

Roger replies:

There is no catch 22! Your priorities are messed up! You equate "equal access" with saving lives!!!!

maree wrote:
And as for your judgement of myself and my age .... and my opinions .... try again

Roger replies:

I can only base my conclusions on your words, typical of  youth. Your actual age matters not, only your actions and to a lessor extent, your words. "Equal access" is more important than life itself!!!

Do you agree with the blind adults that sued the German hospitals because the hospitals caused their blindness? The hospitals actually caused there blindness. It is now a well known fact. Why? Because the babies were born so premature, that the only way known (at the time) to keep them alive in the 1950's was to place them in an incubator with 100% oxygen, which ruined their eyes and made them blind for life.


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