Claes Persson wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Al Winslow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002 3:32 PM
> Subject: RE: {W&P} SV: The Pope, priests, and pedophiles
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > In a message dated 6/21/02 12:40:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > > 
> > > > Why can people not grow up and see that this thing, religion, stops the 
> > > > humanity from thinking free. All religions! It locks up the mind to 
> > > > certain 
> > > > references. Wrong input gives wrong output!
> > > 
> > > =====
> > > Grow up to what -- anarchy? (Anarchy being the absence or denial of any 
> > > authority or established order)
> > > 
> > > I thought the idea was to move forward on the evolutionary scale -- not 
> > > backwards.
> > > 
> > > Lawana
> > 
> > -------------------------
> > 
> > 
> >  I'm not a member of any church or organized religion. I don't think any 
> > of them have the answers I'm seeking. At the same time I am completely 
> > tolerant of any religion that doesn't deliberately impinge on my life. 
> > If it makes someone feel better to go to a certain building on a certain 
> > 
> > day of the week and indulge in ritual and song for their personal peace 
> > and comfort that's fine with me. When religions get violently political, 
> > 
> > such as the current Islamic radicals are doing, then they are my enemy. 
> > Before somebody mentions Jerry Falwell or my neighbor, Pat Robertson, 
> > let me hasten to add that neither of those guys advocates suicide 
> > bombings for the sake of their beliefs. That makes all the difference to 
> > 
> > me. Pat and jerry are free to believe anything they like as long as they 
> > 
> > don't try to blow me up for not beliveing it too. They are nice fellows 
> > who wouldn't think of doing anything like that. I can't say the same of 
> > Mr. bin Laden and his pals. There you have the problem that arises when 
> > religion gets too  mixed in with politics and with psychopathology. They 
> > 
> > don't leave you much choice in how to deal with them, do they? BTW, I do 
> > 
> > believe in God, but I'm not going to tell anyone what that means to me 
> > and I say that no church or religion that i've heard of quite has it 
> > right, for me. 
> > 
> -- I do think that it would be better if no one has any interrest in any 
> God or any religion, including you, Al.
> As you say. No church has what you or anybody need, they just would like 
> you to beleive it. The fact that you don't is good enough for me. Then 
> you are not in line for beeing a religious fanatic that think you will 
> get to heaven (or whatever) it you do your friends and neighbours in as 
> happens in some part of the world.
> That said - Would it not be better in all if this thing of religion was 
> to dissappear all togeather? Looking at history - most of wars has 
> religious reasons. In fact - most of to days wars has i too. Why not do 
> away with all this supersticion instead (as all religions, apart from 
> some valid historic facts, are superstidions), if some one could tell me 
> how to do it I would not hessitate for a second.
> All churches and their personel, the priests (and whatever), are not 
> working for the progress of human life and education. They are holding 
> back, and so are those who think that they are beleiving in some God as 
> this makes them supersticious as well as beeing reluctant to considder 
> ideas that don't conform with the religion. If this religion at the same 
> time is in the center (or near the center) of power (political and 
> economical) the worse.
> But I do agree that to day there is excamples of religions that try to 
> rule all people and punish every one that don't agree. Those should be 
> the first to dissappear if I had any thing to say. Unfortunatelly I have 
> not, and neither any other single person. Maybe USA can do something 
> about it if the "God bless" is left out of the program, or else it will 
> be in vaine. We can only wine and wish that the humanity matures before 
> it's too late.
> Claes
> §( :8-)

Religion gives some people comfort. It quiets their fears abot death. 
Who am I to tell someone that they aren't really going to eet their 
mother in Heaven when they die? If it makes them feel good to believe it 
and they don't try to force me to believe things that I regard as 
unknowable, why would I want to burst their bubble?

Besides, it's all but impossible to sway people from their beliefs. 
Life's to short to waste it trying to get people to disbelieve what they 
believe. Particularly when, for all I know,what they believe could be 
true! I can't prove it's not true.

Religion also is credited with bringing about law and order at certain 
times and places in human history. I'd rather live in a society that 
believes the Ten Commandments were handed down from Heaven than to live 
in an atheistic Marxist state in which humans are cogs in a wacky 
revolutionary machine.

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