> In a message dated 6/22/02 10:27:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
> > I do think that it would be better if no one has any interrest in any 
> > God or 
> > any religion, including you, Al
> =====
> An interesting idea ... completely abolishing the one thing that keeps 
> the 
> majority of people on this planet from killing each other ..... What a 
> lovely 
> world THAT would be.
> Lawana

While I do not belong to any religious demonination and am skeptical of 
all stories of "supernatural" events, I do believe there is an 
Intelligence guiding the universe of which I am one small piece.

Putting my own very eudite and classy personal philosphy aside, I think 
it isn't a bad idea to pound it into people's heads on Sunday morning 
that if they steal their neighbor's goat they will burn in eternal 
hellfire. Anything to prevent goat theft.

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