Yeah you went to Viet-Nam for 34 days some hero. If we give you that your
above comments are true and that is a HUGE gift. It still doesn't cover up
that you here in this forum specifically said that you  wouldn't blame the
rest of the world if they Nuked us back to the stone age. That is terrorist
advocacy Roddy boy and I call you on it. No amount of verbal squirming and
wiggling will get you out of what you said in an unforced voluntary
statement that you knew was going to be made public. Either your a coward  a
traitor or your just very stupid. Which is it Rod? Jim
----- Original Message -----
From: "rod/christine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 2:10 PM
Subject: RE: {W&P} SV: Vietnam charges ex-Senator Bob Kerrey with war crimes

> Al Winslow wrote:
> >
> >
> > rod/christine wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > ex-Senator Kerrey will be the ideal specimen to nail to the wall.  The
> > > dude is already on the defensive and the "mainstream press" is dong
> > > usual "blackout" of news coverage on the issue.
> >
> > Bullshit. It has been reported fully in the papers and on TV.
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Hopefully, the days of the US Government going into any country and
> > > bombing, poisoning, assassinating anyone at will, is kaput, nada,
> > > done with.
> >
> > >
> > > I wouldn't blame the rest of the world - if they "ganged up" on the
> > >
> > >
> > > and bombed (nuked?) them back to the Stone Age - seriously.
> > >
> >
> > That's crazy.
> ===
> Well, of course it's an outlandish statement!  But then, why we building
> a Defense Shield in Alaska then?  Do you really think it is to stop the
> North Koreans - that we are feeding at the same time?  No, the largest
> threat is from Red China.  50 years ago, a short hot war was fought over
> a piece of land at the 38th parallel... anything been resolved?  Going
> ballistic (no, not That Al!) on Marxists one day, and feeding the masses
> the next day, only keeps your AR-15 in your hip pocket in a threatening
> posture for the world to see.
> Or it is to bloat the Defense Industry with money to the Idea to keep
> the US in a perpetual state of war - not readiness.  The major media
> feeds the average American a daily dose of distorted reality on Bad
> Saddam & Nutcase Arafat.  Usama binLadin is in the background, but can
> be trotted out when the Administration needs an Old Bogeyman to stir up
> the mix for the next 30 years.
> War goes on, and sooner or later, some country, or countries combined,
> are gonna knock the hell out of us.  The "meat" of our military is
> overseas - you really think the National Guard with its nuts and bolts,
> will have the means, to defend this Nation?
> The USA is the best there is, in my little ol' opinion.  But running
> around the block with an AR-15 and an ammo can of ammunition will only
> last so long.  Eventually, The Korean Army that you and I are feeding
> with our tax money will overwhelm your AR-15.
> Killing more and more people overseas will only exacerbate the problem
> and cause them to hate the American GOVERNMENT ever more so.
> What were we doing in Vietnam?
> Why were we there?
> What were you doing - did you go?
> You sound as if you were too young for Korea and too old for Vietnam...
> .
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