> In a message dated 7/11/02 6:33:27 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
> > Some will never be convinced for religious reasons. That's their problem 
> > 
> > though. They are not going to ask our meaning anyway. They will continue 
> > to 
> > read theis bibles or whatever and just go on beleiving those other 
> > stories 
> > without a trace of evidence what so ever.
> =====
> Maybe religious beliefs isn't the only reason ... maybe people just 
> don't 
> like the idea of having a chimpanzee for an uncle, an orangutan for a 
> sister 
> or a gorilla for a father.....

For my part, I just don't like to believe things that are based on tiny, 
fragmentary bit of evidence and guesses that changewith every new 
fragment ofevidence that turns up.

Of course, as I roam about town I see some folks who just might be close 
relatives of apes.

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