On 4/16/07, The Watermelon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To list the advantages and disadvantages of them
> Smaller per-pie texture:
> 1.faster opengl texcoords2f due to the reduced texture size(128x128 or
> 3.might increase texture bind frequency because textures are no longer
> shared between pies via 'page'
> Bigger texture page(enlarging exist texture pages)
> 1.slower opengl texturing due to increased texture(256x256/512x512 to
> 512x512/1024x1024)
> 2.may not look as good as per-pie texture because the space allocated to
> each pie is relatively small

I'm curious as to why you think the above points are valid. As far as
I've heard, texture rebinding has a greater speed penalty than texture
size, and why do we need to reduce the sprites to use larger texture

The actual size of the texture pages used in VRAM does *not* need to
be the same as the texture pages saved on disk. We could rearrange
them on load, as we do with the terrain tiles now.

  - Per

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