I noticed a large portion of member/user supplied patches are simply ignored
atm.     For the mailinglist vs2k5 and I have quite a few without replies or
reason why it cant be made into the trunk,for the bug tracker and
forum,there are also quite a few patches supplied by user or bug reporter
being ignored or without explicit reason of rejection.In my opinion,this is
really bad for an open source project that is intended for all users to edit
for their own liking and share the works.Moreover,this will frustrate
contributors in a long run,at least I will think twice before trying to make
more patches as well as improving exist ones,as it seems to me most of
them will very likely be ignored.

In most projects,a quality assurance team or few core developers will
be responsible for reviewing all user supplied patch in a weekly basis
or in even less interval(users simply attach their patches in forum and they
will get an answer whether it will be made into the code base or not and the
explanation of such decision)

I believe many ppl like myself will not accept the offer of stepping up as
official developer,since some ppl dont want the take-up of responsibility of
a developer and being abided by the rules associated to it.Great power comes
great responsibility,both are something I dont want =)

Anyways,any simple answer to a email,a forum post or whatever form of
information that has a patch attached to it will solve this,even a 'yes' or
a 'no' will make any contributer feel that their efforts are not wasted and
their works have the attentions from the staff.
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