I try to compile Pieslicer with this version for free:
And there is many errors.
Has anyone updates on source to fix all errors?

Or do we make new format like .obj or .3ds since editor already 
made for these?  The only thing that needs to add is connector 
points I thinks?

I find in files this about format,

* PIE Files.  Pie files are the format used by Warzone itself, and 
contain (at a minimum) the following 3D data:

*       Points are the core units of your polymodel.  Visually, points 
represent the vertices and corners of a 3D object.  In a way, you 
can also consider them the "dots" in a large 3-dimensional "connect-
the-dots" puzzle.

*       Polygons, also called faces or sides, are a two-dimensional shape 
like triangles, squares, hexagons, etc; altogether, they compose a 
wireframe version of your polymodel.  Polygons also have a "normal" 
vector which indicates the side that is visible to the camera.  In 
general, polygons are generally "one-sided", meaning that they can 
be seen from one side but are invisible from the other.

*       NOTE:  Some polygons have a "two-sided" property (refer to the 
Polygons section of the toolbox) indicating that they can be seen 
from either side, regardless of their normal vector.  For these 
polygons, PIE Slicer will display a red vector in one direction and 
a blue vector in the other.
*       Generally speaking, the normal vectors in your polymodel should 
point towards the "outside", often away from the origin (0,0,0).  
On the other hand, certain special effects can be created if normal 
vectors face the wrong way.

*       Submodels, also referred to as levels, split a PIE file into 
"chunks" that can be used for animation, and there may be up to ten 
submodels in a PIE file.  However, due to current limitations of 
the WZ game engine, very few PIE files will have more than one.  
The Oil Derrick is a good example of an animated PIE file.

*       Textures are stored in PCX files and "painted" on polygons to 
give them their tangible look and feel.  Although you are 
restricted to one PCX file per PIE file, you can have any number of 
polygons using any portions of that file as their texture, and if 
you work on a multi-PIE model, you can assign a different texture 
to each PIE file.  It is also possible to assign "team colors" that 
vary depending on the player's color (this is also used to animate 
Warzone's explosion GFX) .  When using PIE Slicer’s Texture 
Alignment View, a light-blue frame indicates the texture displayed 
on the current polygon and red frames will display its team-color 
variations (if any).

*       Connectors are a special type of point.  Although they are 
managed similar to points, you cannot attach polygons to them, and 
connectors are not contained within a PIE file's submodel structure 
like points are.  Connectors are depicted as a six-armed "star" 
instead of a circular point in PIE Slicer.  Connectors define where 
your polymodel "connects" to another.  For example, all tank 
chassis have two connectors which indicate where to place its 
weapon turret(s) (one for ground units and the other for VTOL's), 
and every weapon turret has a connector that defines where a weapon 
fires its projectile from.  Generally speaking, when a weapon is 
placed on a chassis or structure, it will be placed on the 
connector.  But not every polymodel needs a set of connectors:

*       Map features, like trees and boulders, do not need connectors.
*       Structures should generally have one connector representing where 
a weapon/sensor/etc. can be placed on it.
*       Tank chassis must have two connectors.  The first connector 
indicates where the tank turret will be located, and the second 
connector indicates where a VTOL turret will be placed.
*       When making weapon turret GFX, place a connector on the business 
end of the muzzle.  This connector identifies where the weapon’s 
"muzzle flash" GFX will be displayed.

*       BSP data can be referred to as "binary sorting planes" (though 
the actual definition is slightly different).  This was used 
primarily for the PSX version of Warzone--it seems to have no 
function in the PC version of Warzone, and PIE Slicer does not 
support it.

* ANI Files.  Warzone's ANI file format is used in conjunction with 
certain PIE files to provide animation during Warzone.  This 
includes (almost exclusively) the scavenger infantry, cyborgs, and 
oil derrick animation.  Two forms of ANI data are supported, one 
version uses a separate submodel for each frame, and there may be 
up to 10 frames -- scavenger and cyborg animation is a good example 
of this; the other version uses rotation and offset data to 
position and move each submodel in the PIE file and create 
animation, and the oil derrick is a good example of that.  To load 
an animated PIE file, select the "Warzone animated PIE files 
(*.ani)" filter from the Open File dialog box.  Depending on the 
contents of the ANI file and the PIE file it requires, Pie Slicer 
may be able to load the model data automatically.  Otherwise, you 
will be prompted to locate the PIE file yourself in order to finish 
loading the ANI data.

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