> My experience is that just committing something to trunk is the easiest
> quickest way to test changes.
> Why not commit the entire patch this weekeind and have every developer
> the game in a debugger and play a few games? I suppose we can catch all
> bugs in a few hours then. We can always revert if it does not work out.

One or more of the function pairs in the patch are bad (ie, do not work).
Over the summer me and Per did have a go at tracking some of these down but
did not get very far.

So second time around I feel it is best if we commit it in small chunks (so
called function pairs) so that we can quickly identify broken functions
with little effort.

I am not so sure about comitting it into trunk - as in its current state it
*will* break the netcode.

Regards, Freddie.

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