Hi all. Well the netcode has progressed in leaps and bounds since I  
my last update. Several parts have been ported over (including the  
majority of multibot.c, thanks to Giel!) and several tweaks to  
multisync.c by per and I.

Currently the biggest issue with the netcode is droids randomly being  
destroyed for what seems to be no apparent reason. No one so far has  
been able to work out why. I think it may come down to using the  
backtrace functionality that glibc provides (along with its symbol  
resolution capabilities) inside the droidDestroy function (droid.c)  
to see if any netcode functions appear in the trace.

So long as the droids being destroyed is a direct result of a netcode  
packet this should work. If, however, it is a in-direct effect then I  
am unsure about what we should do.

The only file that really needs porting is multiplay.c -- it has  
several netcode functions. I can clean up the others myself (expect  
patches for them soon).

In a weeks time I firmly believe that we will have cross-platform  
netcode. And if Ari has been able to get QuesoGLC working on OS X  
(best of luck!) I look forward to playing you all from my laptop.

Regards, Freddie.

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