
On 5 May 2008, at 12:29, Per Inge Mathisen wrote:
> On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 1:02 PM, Freddie Witherden  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> My suggestion is simply to make it snap to another widget (not
>>> necessarily a parent, could be a sibling), and then provide an  
>>> (x, y)
>>> constant offset from it in pixel independent values (millimeters?).
>>  Seems good. So we could say something like:
>>  widgetAdd(parent, child, northSnap, eastSnap, southSnap, westSnap);
> I was thinking more like widgetAdd(parentWidget,
> frameOfReferenceWidget, side, offsetX, offsetY);
> Putting an icon in the lowest right side of the main window:
> widgetAdd(screen, screen, BottomLeft, 10, 10);
> Adding the third button in a row inside a window: widgetAdd(window,
> second, Right, 20, 0);

We then have to make the assumption about the size of the first icon  
(that it is 10 units). This is basically what we have at the moment -  
adding widgets requires knowledge about the size of other widgets.

Lets say at a later date we decide to make our icons a bit bigger,  
say 12 units. We then need to find all of our widgetAdd calls and fix  

Or am I missing something?

>>  Take a label widget for example, lets say it has worked out it needs
>>  to be *at least* 150 pixels large.
> I think we can safely assume that we have no or decide we shall have
> no widgets with such pixel precise requirements. Models, text, and
> textures can all scale to fit the allocated space.
>>> I would suggest specifying size exactly using a pixel independent
>>> value (millimeter? permille of screen size?).
>>  On Linux this would work. This is because X computes the screen DPI
>>  on the fly. So a piece of 12pt text will be the same size on *all*
>>  linux systems. Windows assumes a DPI of 96, while OS X assumes  
>> one of
>>  72.
> It is not that hard.
> ( pixel width of screen ) / CONSTANT = x factor
> ( pixel height of screen) / CONSTANT = y factor
> We multiply all x, y values, which are in the range 0..CONSTANT, by
> these factors and get resolution dependent values. We could even
> decide to go the OpenGL way, and decide that the factor is 1.0 and
> that x,y values are floating point.

Nice idea. :)

Regards, Freddie.

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