Hi all,

On 16 Sep 2008, at 20:21, Giel van Schijndel wrote:
> Also, yes, I know that it breaks savegames, that's not a bug, that's  
> the
> lack of a feature (the feature being forward compatibility in r4637's
> savegame change). There's little, if anything, that can be done about
> that. But we'll just have to bite that bullet, as IMO non O^2 (or is  
> it
> O^3?) pathfinding behaviour is more important than savegame
> compatibility with *betas*.

Breaking save games is not acceptable. Enough people complain when we  
broke them for 2.0 => 2.1 (and that was when we were bumping a  
version), imagine what they will say if we do it between betas.

Chances are it will just force people to stay with 2.1 beta 4.

 From my point I think our options are:
  - Try *again* to backport the multi-threaded pathing.
  - Skip 2.1 and go straight to 2.2 with FMV support.
  - Re-base 2.1 from trunk.

Regards, Freddie.

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