On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 4:05 PM, Giel van Schijndel <m...@mortis.eu> wrote:
> I like the general idea. About your patch, assert() itself performs
> string expansion on the given expression as well (for display purposes).
> Doesn't caching the expression's result cause assert() to see another
> string, i.e. just "_wzeval"?

No. There are in fact three places now that the expression result is checked:
1) Checking if we should log an error
2) The assert()
3) The return condition

In my patch I only cache it in the first case for the last case, since
the second case will be void in non-debug builds anyway. But we should
consider just doing assert(false) since we log the expression and
error better in the code right above it anyway.

> Additionally, I think we shouldn't have any code at all that depends on
> expressions inside of ASSERT()/assert()/etc. to have side effects.

We are totally in agreement on that point. However, that is not why I
do want to cache it. In some cases, quite a few actually, the
expression calls a validation function that may take non-trivial
amounts of time to process. I do not want us to have to worry about
such issues when we write assert tests. Both with and without the
patch, we check the expression twice in debug builds, and once in
non-debug builds (for logging). We may want to consider making
ASSERT() a noop in non-debug builds, and ASSERT_RETURN only check it
once for return, to make sure we get maximum speed.

> Additionally I think ASSERT_OR_RETURN is a slightly better name

It is misleading, though, since it can also be ASSERT_AND_RETURN or
just RETURN, depending on how the program is compiled and how gdb
reacts to abort signals. So I would prefer to keep the slight
ambiguity in the name.

  - Per

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