On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Giel van Schijndel <m...@mortis.eu> wrote:
> I'd rather not use assert(false) as on some systems assert() is used to
> produce a nice GUI message. E.g. on Windows you'll get a message like
> "assertion $expression failed, abort, ignore, attach debugger?".
> Deciding which of those buttons to click becomes difficult if you don't
> get to see any sensible expression there.
> Perhaps as a fallback we could do something like this:
>> #define ASSERT_XXX(expr, str_expr, ...) \
>>       assert(!str_expr)
> Which for ASSERT(a < b, ...) (sh|w)ould be equal to:
>> assert(!"a < b");
> That would be false as well but would still retain the benefit of single
> evaluation.

That sounds like a good idea.

>> It is misleading, though, since it can also be ASSERT_AND_RETURN or
>> just RETURN, depending on how the program is compiled and how gdb
>> reacts to abort signals. So I would prefer to keep the slight
>> ambiguity in the name.
> Then do I read this wrong?
>> Assert that returns given return value on failure in non-debug builds.

In debug builds you get both an assert and a return if the condition
fails.  You may not always get to the return, but it is there for
those cases where you ignore the abort signal.

> I'd say that's always equal to ASSERT_OR_RETURN

Maybe. Maybe not. But ASSERT_RETURN is what I find used elsewhere.
According to google it is somewhat frequent (26k pages), while it
gives me exactly 3 pages for either of ASSERT_OR_RETURN as

  - Per

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