On 3/18/09, Zarel <zare...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/3/18 bugs buggy <buginato...@gmail.com>:
> > Right now, we only check on the version string.  All the other stuff
>  > we send isn't used.
>  >
>  > I am also not sure about the time period to wait before we auto kick
>  > someone.  Right now, it is set to 7secs.
>  >
>  > Logic is, player joins.  Host sends version request query.  If Host
>  > don't get response within 7 secs, then we auto-kick.
>  > If wrong version string, we auto-kick.
>  > If all is fine, you won't notice anything.
> We should send a message with the "wrong version string" auto-kick,
>  though. "You're using version X, we require version Y"

Well, it does that in the console via LOG_ERROR... doing that in the
GUI... is not going to happen anytime soon.

>  And we should only send the "wrong version string" auto-kick if the
>  two versions are netcode-incompatible.

That is a given.

>  Let's set the time period to 12.8 secs. ;)
>  /me likes powers of 2

Ha!  Ok, then 4 secs. ;)

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