Am Donnerstag, 19. März 2009 01:59:12 schrieb Zarel:
> 2009/3/18 Dennis Schridde <>:
> > Make it 10, at least.
> > It could happen that the peer is under load, has some weird network setup
> > which needs more time, or whatever.
> If the peer is _that_ under load, that peer isn't going to be able to
> play Warzone very well.
Temporary load. I.e. if my hdds kick in at the wrong moment the system might 
hang for a second. Nvidia drivers were known for a bug where the system would 
occasionaly hang for a few.

> > And I almost forgot, we are going with port 2100 right?
> I believe everyone agrees yes.
Under one condition:
That we never ever have to change ports again.


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