On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 12:16 PM, Dennis Schridde<devuran...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 7. Juli 2009 11:57:19 schrieb Kamaze:
>> Also, I would like to do some acount cleanup with this as well. Right
>> now we have 325 users which have zero posts and haven't log into our
>> forums since we switched to the phpBB3 and 428 users which have been
>> registered for over an year and have zero posts.
>> Instead of keeping their data, I would like to write one announcement
>> that they're going to be deleted if they don't login within 2 weeks.
>> Maybe we should establish this as a general rule, that users with an
>> postcount of zero should be pruned if they don't login for 6 months or a
>> year. This should may apply to users with an postcount != 0, but with an
>> larger timeframe of at least an year. All "marked for prune" users
>> should be notified first of course.
> I wouldnt delete posts!=0 users. I suspect you get stale posts then, with them
> having no chance to fix if they later have issues with them.
> posts=0 users which did not log in for a year may well be deleted though, I
> agree.

Why do you need to clean out old accounts at all?

  - Per

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