On 1/2/10, NoName <xxx...@xxxxxx.com> wrote:
> Am 02.01.2010 19:03, schrieb Dennis Schridde:
> > Hello!
>  >
>  > Am Samstag, 2. Januar 2010 18:07:36 schrieb Daniel Kliman:
> > Kamaze likes to maintain a server and provide us with hosting. (At least 
> > last
>  > time I talked to him.)
>  >
> I still do, but i'm always pretty short in time when people want
>  something for the website, because they always ask a few weeks before my
>  exams. Also, i'm absolutly unhappy with the current situation, which is
>  nothing more than a temporary solution. As soon as I got/made the right
>  software, and a nice theme, there will be a bigger overhaul.
>  We dropped our MediaWiki because some developers liked Trac's wiki and
>  started to put stuff there. As result, we had 2 wikis running, some
>  information was located in the Trac wiki and some in the MediaWiki. And
>  because Trac was essential, MediaWiki lost the game.

Trac's style (formatting) is very unfriendly to new people.
Anyone know of a option that we can change to fix this?

Main issue is, people paste whatever into the edit box, and it comes
out looking like crap since they didn't use the {{{ }}} codetags.

The other problem with our trac is, we have no fallback.  If the
website/forum goes down for whatever reason, then we lose access to
trac which isn't fun for anyone.
I know that Sourceforge's trac and ours wouldn't mix, so we can't have
a mirror there.

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