On 2/22/10, Guangcong Luo <za...@xxxxxxx.net> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 8:26 PM, buginator <buginx...@xxxx.com> wrote:
>  > Those last minute patches that we thought would be good, turned out to
>  > be not so good.
> This statement seems to imply that it was the last-minute patches that
>  were what caused the problems, when, as far as I can tell from the IRC
>  logs, they are unrelated.

I can't nail down what it was exactly, since I need more people to
find out what is going on, and it seems we can only get together
during the weekends to make this happen.
I assume 8p games were working before, so something broke them,
between then and now, and the last minute additions seems like a
logical candidate for the issues we are having.

>From our (pre tag) testing, seems 4p games worked, but 8p games are
really hosed.

We just don't have time/manpower to track down what is going on, and
hopefully, with more logs, we can figure it out.

My plan is to add lots more debug lines to netplay, and force --debug
net on, and do a beta 11a release on Tuesday night, or perhaps
Wednesday night.


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