#340: Sensors and Jammers
 Reporter:  Per            |              Owner:  Per             
     Type:  patch          |             Status:  accepted        
 Priority:  major          |          Milestone:  3.0             
Component:  Engine: other  |            Version:  svn/trunk       
 Keywords:  ecm sensor     |   Operating_system:  All/Non-Specific
Blockedby:                 |           Blocking:                  
Description changed by Per:

Old description:

> This a restart of my work on ECM Jammers and improved sensor handling.

New description:

 This a restart of my work on ECM Jammers and improved sensor handling.

 Description of what the latest series of patches are doing:

 Visibility is split into two - vision and radar. (This is similar to how
 Pumpkin apparently planned it, based on left over source code.) Vision has
 a low, fixed range - within this radius you can see anything. Radar has a
 long range adjusted by upgrades and turret type - it can however be
 blocked by a jammer.

 The jammer tower/turret is new. (Pumpkin was planning one, as evident from
 leftover data pieces.) It blocks radar in a long range, hiding units and
 structures, but cannot itself hide from radar - appearing as a radar blip,
 which allows the enemy to locate it (but not immediately target it). The
 number of sensors or jammers present in an area is irrelevant to
 visibility, only their coverage is important. (This is contrary to how
 Pumpkin had planned it - they gave both sensors and ECM a power that was
 reduced over range. For reasons of simplicity of use, and speed, that is
 not how I have implemented it.)

 Jammers add a new tactical dimension to the game. They allow units to hide
 from artillery, and sneaking units up on turtle bases, as the defender has
 to come out to 'see' and destroy the jammer(s) before the defending
 structures can utilize their range properly.

 It is also, in my opinion, extremely cool to suddenly see the vision
 bubble of your base suddenly start to shrink as an enemy jammer droid is
 approaching... All you see is a radar blip closing in on you, and you have
 no idea what other units it is bringing along with it...


Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/340#comment:14>
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