As I am nearing completion on my savegame port, I see the need to
reorganize the way map / savegame files (hereafter only called map
files) are stored and mounted for increased sanity and clarity. This
is the plan:

1) All map files contain a <map name>.ini file - this replaces the
current <map name>.gam file and the map's addon.lev entry.
2) Maps are moved to data/maps/ which contains <map name>.ini and
either a <map name>.zip OR a <map name>/ directory for each map
3) On game binary startup, the maps/ directory is iterated for .zip
files that do not have a corresponding .ini file. Each of them are
mounted, and the .ini file is extracted. This way we have a complete
.ini coverage of all maps.
4) In pregame, only the .ini files are consulted for GUI purposes. The
maps are never mounted before one is selected (for preview).
5) The map is mounted on data root. Internally to the zip, map data is
stored in maps/<map name>/ and other files may override to allow mods.
6) For savegames, a master .ini file maps the save names to the
directories of each savegame. The directory structure is numbered. We
do not want user-entered data as directory names (either security and
bug risk, OR failure to i18n).
7) I also intend to store autogame saves between levels in a similar
fashion, but one for each level, and without asking for user
description of save. This to allow replay of any level.

A conversion tool on the web is provided to convert user maps. My
tools/map/mapconv tool will convert included maps.


  - Per

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