On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 10:33 PM, Fastdeath <fastde...@pc-dummy.net> wrote:
> On 2011-07-11 23:52, Per Inge Mathisen wrote:
>> 1) All map files contain a<map name>.ini file - this replaces the
>> current<map name>.gam file and the map's addon.lev entry.
>> 2) Maps are moved to data/maps/ which contains<map name>.ini and
>> either a<map name>.zip OR a<map name>/ directory for each map
>> 3) On game binary startup, the maps/ directory is iterated for .zip
>> files that do not have a corresponding .ini file. Each of them are
>> mounted, and the .ini file is extracted. This way we have a complete
>> .ini coverage of all maps.
>> 4) In pregame, only the .ini files are consulted for GUI purposes. The
>> maps are never mounted before one is selected (for preview).
> I completely agree with 1. it will make things a lot simpler.
> For 2,3,4: I think its easier to load ALL maps in the GUI and read
> the ini's from the zip's.
> That why we don't have to keep the ini's in sync (update/removal).
> My proposal:
> 1.) Keep all maps as .zip file including the internal ones.
> 2.) Mount all .zips and read the ini's at the GUI.
> 3.) Tell the binary which .zip to load at game startup.

Yes, all maps should (and need) to be in the basic zip file.
The rest is pretty much how it does things now, but it needs to be
rewritten to be more saner.

However, since we are talking about ini file for this stuff, I did
have a plan that looked like this:

Type: [map or mod or mapmod or music]
MapName [full Map name that can be up to 250 length]
InternalMapName [Max of WZ's current limit]--however, since savegames
are being rewritten, this may not be needed
Version [starting at 1, incremented on each new revision by 1]
DefaultWells: [low / med / high]  (still thinking about this)
CRC checksum [MD5 hash of the data]
Description [1 line description, 80 chars max]
License [whatever license type they picked for said map]
Author [,,,]
Compiled Data [...]
Compiler Version [...]
Standalone: [yes/no]
ModRequired: [which mod (if any) is required to use this map]
PreviousAuthors [...maybe]
MaxTechLvl [...]
CustomDataSet [... used to point to a directory INSIDE the zip file
that should be used.] (NOTE: this can be toggled off!)
and of course, the normal WZ data that it needs:
level   Test1-T1
players 2
type    14
dataset MULTI_CAM_1
game    "multiplay/maps/2c-Test1.gam"
data    "wrf/multi/skirmish2.wrf"
data    "wrf/multi/fog1.wrf"
... and so on.

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