#2996: Units keep shuffling about at the final destination when in huge groups
        Reporter:  JDW              |       Type:  bug
          Status:  new              |   Priority:  normal
       Milestone:  unspecified      |  Component:  other
         Version:  git/master       |   Keywords:  pathfinding
      Blocked By:                   |   Blocking:
Operating System:  GNU/Linux 32bit  |
 Select a batallion of units and click at any point on the map. Once they
 reach that destination, they keep shuffling around until each of them has
 stepped foot on the tile that was clicked on.

 If the group is a huge number of cyborgs then they appear to be stuck
 without shuffling. However they keep doing the "running-man" animation
 even though they are stationary.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/2996>
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