#2997: Blueprint of F3 factory module
        Reporter:  JDW              |       Type:  bug
          Status:  new              |   Priority:  normal
       Milestone:  unspecified      |  Component:  other
         Version:  git/master       |   Keywords:  factory module
      Blocked By:                   |   Blocking:
Operating System:  GNU/Linux 32bit  |
 Keep a truck busy by ordering it to build several structures or modules.
 Then queue it to build a F2 module on a F1 factory. You can now see the
 blueprint of F2 over the F1 factory. Now queue the truck to build the F3
 module over the F1 factory, but you will see only the F2 module blueprint
 that was queued earlier. Wouldn't it make better feedback to the player if
 both the F3 and F2 module blueprints were displayed combined?

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/2997>
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