OK the putting that in 'brackets'  (sorry still think of those as
parenthesis, and [] as brackets..)  eliminated that error and got me a
new one..  (heh  isn't this fun)

Now the problem is on line 1078 column 39 of firefox.rb    another
unexpected token, this time a comma..

So I went and looked, here's the code in that area

--=-=-=-=- snip -=-=-=-=
   # 5/16/08 Derek Berner
    # Wrapper method to send JS commands concisely,
    # and propagate errors
    def js_eval(str)
      #puts "JS Eval: #{str}"
      value = read_socket()
      if md=/^(\w+)Error:(.*)$/.match(value)
        eval "class JS#{md[1]}Error\nend"
        raise (eval "JS#{md[1]}Error"), md[2]
      #puts "Value: #{value}"
--=-=-=-=-=- snip -=-=-=-

The problem is on the 'raise' line, it doesn't like the comma after
the closing backet, before  "md[2]"   any ideas?  do I need to wrap
everything after 'raise' in another set of brackets?    so it reads

        raise ((eval "JS#{md[1]}Error"), md[2])


 (and if these things get stuff working, do I need to raise a jira
issue for this so we make sure to make these changes in the watir
source?  (point me at instructions for this if they exist, so I do it
'right'  I'm used to using Jira at work, but in my experience every
group has their own standards for how they want bugs filed)

On Dec 1, 11:12 am, "Paul Rogers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> try changing it to
> def initialize( *args )
> the * means that it takes a variable number of parameters as an niput
> to the method, I think youd use it like this
> def my_method( *args )
>     if args.length ==2
>         puts "arg[0] is " + arg[0]
>     else
>         puts "you didnt supply 2 args"
>     end
> end
> my_method( 2,3)     # produces arg[0] is 2
> my_method( 4,5,6)  # produces you didnt supply 2 args
> Paul
> On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 12:09 PM, Chuck vdL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > OK so I went and looked..  it's not javascript
> > -=-=- snip-=-=
> > class Radio < RadioCheckCommon
> >  def initialize *args
> > =-=-=-= snip =-=-=-=
> > its the *  in *args  that's giving it a fit..   Now understand please
> > that my ruby coding skills are in their infancy..  and I've not gotten
> > into defining my own classes or subclassing or any of that.. so I've
> > no idea (other than it looks something like a C++ pointer, but I know
> > ruby doesn't have pointers) what in the world *args  is doing at that
> > point in the code..
> > Is this valid ruby code and I'm perhaps looking at a bug in ruby in
> > steel?    Is this something added really recently to ruby?  RiS comes
> > with ruby 186-25  (although I thought I updated this)
> > ruby-v reports   "1.8.6  (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111)"
> >  that should be the correct version for working with Watir 1.6.2
> > right?
> > On Dec 1, 10:32 am, "Paul Rogers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> heres my guess - the firewatir code uses lots of whats really
> >> javascript embedded in the ruby file. I think the parser is having  a
> >> hard time figuring out whats ruby and whats javascript
> >> If you poke around in the lines suggested by the parser, you might be
> >> able rearrange some of the code to better help the parser
> >> Paul
> >> On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 11:16 AM, Chuck vdL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > I'm having a look at Ruby in Steel as a potential IDE for doing
> >> > testing automation with Watir.
> >> >  <http://www.sapphiresteel.com/>
> >> > Mostly because:
> >> >  1) all my devs use Visual Studio for their work, so it puts me on the
> >> > same platform, gives me good integration with our source control etc.
> >> >  2) Intellisense!!!   since I'm new to Watir and have not memorized
> >> > all the applicable methods for each object etc.. and also new to
> >> > ruby.  Well it just makes it a hell of a lot easier.
> >> >  3) awsome debugger
> >> > Firstly:  Has anyone else looked at this?  Does anyone else use it?
> >> > I could only find one reference here when searching this group.
> >> > Secondly, I'm having a problem:  It appears to get Intellisense
> >> > working, I have to add the watir code using their 'ruby librarian'
> >> > utility.. so I pointed it at the various lib directories under c\ruby
> >> > \lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems   for commonwatir, firewatir, watir and asked
> >> > it to add all the .rb files found there.
> >> > In the process it gives me the following error
> >> > "unexpected token - '*'   htmlelements.rb  Line 1563  column 20  "
> >> >  the file appears to be part of Firewatir.  Anyone here have an idea
> >> > why it might be giving me that message?- Hide quoted text -
> >> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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