you need to pass (row,column) for the function
sheet1.getCellByPosition(id)...arity of this function is 2.

On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 2:01 AM, <>wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Running into an issue, would really appreciate some help.
> I have to files. One has a method with arguments defined for the Open
> Office Calc code like so:
> firstscript.rb:
> class FirstTest
>   def test(id)
>                noArgs = []
>                file_uri = "file:///c:/test.ods"
>                serviceManager ="")
>                coreReflection = serviceManager.createInstance
> ("")
>                desktop = serviceManager.createInstance
> ("")
>                spreadsheet = desktop.loadComponentFromURL(file_uri,
> "_blank", 0,
> noArgs)
>                sheetsCollection = spreadsheet.Sheets
>                sheet1 = sheetsCollection.getByIndex(0)
>                                $browser.text_field(:id,
> 'position_req_id').value = sheet1.getCellByPosition(id).Formula
>   end
> end
> My other script sets the id:
> require "firstscript"
>                       (1, 0)
> results in an error:
>    method_missing': getCellByPosition (WIN32OLERuntimeError)
>    OLE error code:1001 in [automation bridge]
>       InterfaceOleWrapper_Impl::Invoke :
>    [automation bridge]UnoConversionUtilities<T>::variantToAny
>    Cannot convert the value of vartype :"8"  to the expected UNO type
> of type class: 6
>    HRESULT error code:0x80020009
> Any ideas?
> Thank you.
> >

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