I've updated my example harness in the wiki to include a stylesheet
with this fix.  I've verified that it works with IE, Firefox, and
Opera, but I don't have Safari installed anywhere.

If anyone is interested in using ci_reporter to report test results,
you can find an example of how to use it here:



On Jan 29, 4:42 pm, Tiffany Fodor <tcfo...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Hey Jim!
> I found a conditional you can add to the stylesheet so you can view
> the results in Firefox.  If you add this line of code to the
> stylesheet after line 2, it works for me.
> <xsl:if test="system-property('xsl:vendor')='Transformiix'"></xsl:if>
> I can post a new stylesheet to the wiki.
> Hope this helps!
> -Tiffany
> On Jan 29, 4:02 pm, Jim Matthews <jim_m...@swbell.net> wrote:
> > I am using ci_reporter to produce XML output from test runs from Watir
> > tests.
> > Tiffany supplied an XLS file to reference in the XML file, which works
> > fine in IE.  The problem is that when you try to view the XML file in
> > Firefox or Safari, the file looks like raw XML.
> > I was wondering if anyone had a similar experience with XLS and knew
> > if you had to do something different to get it to work with Firefox or
> > Safari.  If you would like to see what is happening, you can goto:
> >http://www.watirbuild.com/builds/watir/1681.3
> > Jim
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