
It necessary for me to specify the cache directory?  (Or can you
confirm for where the correct place is to place the cache directory?)
Here is what I have tried so far:

p:\Jeff>gem install watir -l
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (RuntimeEr
    Error instaling watir:
        watir requires commonwatir = 1.6.2

p:\Jeff>gem install watir -l -i p:\jeff\cache
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (RuntimeError)
    Error instaling watir:
        watir requires commonwatir = 1.6.2

In the first case, I put the cache in C:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems
\1.8\cache.  In the second case, I tried another directory (I am not
sure if that is what the -i option is for).  Since the commonwatir gem
is in the cache, apparently it is not looking at my copied cache.


On Mar 5, 6:54 pm, Al Snow <> wrote:
> Jeff,
> After you have the gem copied to your machine,
> you can run this command: gem install watir --local
> where the "--local" will only look for the gem to
> install on your local machine.
> Thanks,
> Al Snow
> Agile Software Automation Architect
> Linkedin:
> Google Talk: jasnow1
> Twitter: jasnow
> > Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 17:12:21 -0800
> > Subject: [wtr-general] installing watir behind a firewall on Windows
> > From:
> > To:
> > I am not able to install watir on Windows either by using the
> > HTTP_PROXY environmental variable, nor by using the -p option for gem
> > install.  My firewall is password protected, so I get a 407 error.
> > I resorted to zipping up the cache directory from a machine that is
> > not behind a firewall(C:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\cache) and copying the
> > zip file to the machine that is behind the firewall.
> > Now, I need help with the right gem install command to get this local
> > cache to be recognized.
> > I appreciate it!
> > Jeff
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