Hello all actually in the below program i m trying to Retrieve  data
from one excel sheet and place that data on text field of google page
and after click on search button  will navigate to search result page
Now i want to take this "url"(ie.url) of webpage and  write it on
other EXCEL sheet .But I m unable to add it using Xls method

How to add single element in excel sheet using "Xls"(Excel Interface
Class) class

can anyone suggest me how to do it  using "Xls"
Thanks in advance

require 'Xls'
require 'watir'

xlFile = XLS.new("D:\\test_XLS_data.xls") #grab the data file in the
same dirrectory
myData = xlFile.getRowRecords('Google Search Data','Example')  #pull
data records  from excel

$array =Array.new
myData.each do |record|
  ie = Watir::IE.start('google.com')
  result =ie.url
$array[$j] =result

xlFile = XLS.new("D:\\result_xls.xls")

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