Hi  ,Ya i m getting data in myData but i m facing problem while
writring data into excel sheet "i m taking data from one excel sheet
and want to write it on other excel sheet using Excel interface class
"Xls"     "
How could i do this ?

On Mar 10, 9:23 pm, Tiffany Fodor <tcfo...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Hi!
> Have you verified that you're getting data into myData?  I think you
> need to specify a cell range and worksheet for the data:
> myData = xlFile.getRowRecords('A1:Z50', 'Example')
> where 'Example' is the name of your worksheet.
> Hope this helps!
> -Tiffany
> On Mar 10, 5:47 am, rrash586 <rrash...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello all actually in the below program i m trying to Retrieve  data
> > from one excel sheet and place that data on text field of google page
> > and after click on search button  will navigate to search result page
> > Now i want to take this "url"(ie.url) of webpage and  write it on
> > other EXCEL sheet .But I m unable to add it using Xls method
> > "write2DArray()"
> > How to add single element in excel sheet using "Xls"(Excel Interface
> > Class) class
> > can anyone suggest me how to do it  using "Xls"
> > Thanks in advance
> > require 'Xls'
> > require 'watir'
> > xlFile = XLS.new("D:\\test_XLS_data.xls") #grab the data file in the
> > same dirrectory
> > myData = xlFile.getRowRecords('Google Search Data','Example')  #pull
> > data records  from excel
> > xlFile.close
> > $j=0
> > $array =Array.new
> > myData.each do |record|
> >   ie = Watir::IE.start('google.com')
> >   ie.text_field(:name,'q').set(record['SearchString'])
> >   ie.button(:name,'btnG').click
> >   result =ie.url
> > $array[$j] =result
> > $j=$j+1
> > ie.close
> > end
> > xlFile = XLS.new("D:\\result_xls.xls")- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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