
I think Excel's row limit is 65536, if you're trying to write more
rows than that, this could be your problem.  If you really want to
keep working with Excel, you could check to see if rows are available
and if they're not, add a new tab or use new columns in the current


On Mar 20, 10:20 am, Jason Shelton <jas.shel...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> All,
> I have a routine in my program that compares files in two directories with 
> the same name.  For example, lets say I have 'Directory1'  and 'Directory2'.  
> The routine looks in each directory, and if a file name exists in both 
> directories I compare the files.  I then print the results of each comparison 
> in an excel spreadsheet.  Each comparison is put on its own row in the 
> spreadsheet.
> This has been working fine, but now I have two directories with about 80,000 
> files each.  I am getting this error when I run this against these 
> directories:
> :in 'method_missing' : Range (WIN32OLERuntimeError)
> OLE error code:800A03EC in (Unknown)
> (No Description)
> HRESULT error code:0x80020009
> Exception occurred.
> Is this an Excel size limitation issue?  Thanks in advance for all help.
> - Shelton
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