As an aside, I'm not sure what file system you are using, but in my
experience for a lot of file systems putting that many files into a
singe directory can cause system performance to suffer immensely..  I
don't recall the exact number (it's been several years, and I found it
the hard way) but I remember hitting a limit with NTFS where I was
unabe to copy more than around 40K files into a single directory

Also it seems a bit like you are re-inventing the wheel as it were,
have you considered trying WINDIFF?  it has a function that compares
directories of files and indicates the differences.

On Mar 20, 9:20 am, Jason Shelton <> wrote:
> All,
> I have a routine in my program that compares files in two directories with 
> the same name.  For example, lets say I have 'Directory1'  and 'Directory2'.  
> The routine looks in each directory, and if a file name exists in both 
> directories I compare the files.  I then print the results of each comparison 
> in an excel spreadsheet.  Each comparison is put on its own row in the 
> spreadsheet.
> This has been working fine, but now I have two directories with about 80,000 
> files each.  I am getting this error when I run this against these 
> directories:
> :in 'method_missing' : Range (WIN32OLERuntimeError)
> OLE error code:800A03EC in (Unknown)
> (No Description)
> HRESULT error code:0x80020009
> Exception occurred.
> Is this an Excel size limitation issue?  Thanks in advance for all help.
> - Shelton
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