i use putty and that takes care of that problem. The telnet windows
client has that problem you mentioned.

On Apr 13, 6:54 am, Angrez Singh <ang...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried the following code with Firewatir 1.6.2 and it worked for me.
> require 'firewatir'
> ff = FireWatir::Firefox.attach(:title,"Google")
> puts ff.html
> ff.close
> - Angrez
> On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 1:31 PM, George <george.sand...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It was my understanding that the attach method doesn't work with FF,
> > only with IE.  Can you confirm this?
> > On Apr 13, 12:07 am, Angrez Singh <ang...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > For attaching to an existing Firefox instance you can use
> > > FireWatir::Firefox.attach() method. But you need to make sure the JSSh is
> > > running in the existing instance.
> > > Regarding XPath i'll look into it & get back to you.
> > > - Angrez
> > > On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 8:42 PM, Jeremy Mordkoff <j...@zeevee.com>
> > wrote:
> > > >  Okay, I answered some of my own questions. I stumbled on the RDOC
> > > > browser, found js_eval and I started munging it.
> > > > In firebug, I can do
> > > > var results = document.evaluate("//*[name()='vgtile' and
> > @label='Hulu']",
> > > > document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
> > > > if (results.snapshotLength >=
> > > > 1)
> > > > {
> > > >     results.snapshotItem(0).oncommand();
> > > > }
> > > > console.log("done")
> > > > and it works every time. But in firewatir, if I do
> > > > xpath="//*[name()='vgtile' and @label='Hulu']"
> > > > query = "browser=window.getBrowser(); document.evaluate(\"#{xpath}\",
> > > > document, null, 7, null).snapshotLength;"
> > > > ff.js_eval(query)
> > > > I get zero every time. Any ideas?  Is there a jssh forum?
> > > > PS. The 7 is the value of XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE since
> > > > XPathResult does not seem to be defined in jssh.
> > > > JLM
> > > > Hi all  --- no luck on my first issue, so I have taken a different
> > > > approach. I have installed firebug and fireunit and I have the basics
> > > > working in there. Now I want to move some of this over to firewatir.
> > > > Is there a way to see all of the jssh interactions when running a
> > firewatir
> > > > script?
> > > > Is there a way to send raw javascript commands to jssh (and capture the
> > > > output) from a firewatir script?
> > > > Is there a way to attach to an existing ff instance, rather than
> > calling
> > > > Firefox.new? I still feel like there must be one more doc around that I
> > just
> > > > can’t find. Something that lists all of the methods and attributes of
> > the
> > > > Firefox class and the supporting classes. Or does ruby have some built
> > in
> > > > way to browse them?
> > > > JLM
> > > > * *
> > > > *Jeremy Mordkoff*
> > > > Director, QA, IT & Release
> > > > *ZeeVee, Inc.*
> > > > One Monarch Drive | Littleton, MA 01460
> > > > Office: 978.467.1395 x233 | Fax: 978.467.1404
> > > > Mobile: 978-257-2183
> > > > *...@zeevee.com *
> > > > *www.zeevee.com*
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