I am getting the following message when I try to click on the tabs.
this is the code
     $ie.span(:text ,"Documents").span(:index,1).fire_event
     $ie.div(:id,"tabContent5").file_field(:name, "theFile").set("d:
Exception which i am getting is
44:in `check_autoit_installed': The AutoIt dll must be correctly
registered for this feature to work properly

Please let me know how to fix this.


On Apr 28, 10:11 pm, «°¤§ømåtïçCðrp§ë¤°» <john.bai...@unisys.com>
> I'm a no0b, when it comes to things like this, but if the tabs exist
> in frames, then you can use the id to drill down to the section you
> want.
> i.e.: browser.frame(:id, "tabs").button(:id, "tab1").click
> Using this method, you don't need to explicity call out the "onClick"
> or "onFire" methods.
> Given that I can't, currently, view the entire source of the page, I
> would suggest using something like:
> browser.button(:id, "ext-comp-1002__ext-comp-1006").click
> Granted, I know they aren't buttons; I'm just using sample code to
> illustrate how you could fire off an event, without explicitly using
> an assertion to call on the event.
> On Apr 28, 5:06 am, Vishal <bvkon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I checked few other discussions on similar issues. But in none of them
> > there is a solution available.
> > Is this Issue can't be fixed?
> > On Apr 27, 12:29 pm, Shweta <nagman...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi
> > > I tried like this,But it does not clicks on tab,I need toclickhere
> > > on Selection tab,Can anyone suggest me the solution for this.
> > > ie.cell(:class,"tab).image(:src,"../images/tabBetween.jpg").click
> > > HTML Code:
> > > <TR>
> > > <TD NOWRAP STYLE="cursor:hand;" ONCLICK="goToUrl('/
> > > quoteShellValidationAction.do?dispatch=ShellInfo');"
> > > CLASS=tabSelected>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> > > Info&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
> > > <TD><IMG SRC="../images/tabBetween.jpg" BORDER=0></TD>
> > > <TD NOWRAP STYLE="cursor:hand;" ONCLICK="goToUrl('/
> > > ShellValidationAction.do?dispatch=CarrierInfo');"
> > > CLASS=tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Selection&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</
> > > TD>
> > > <TD><IMG SRC="../images/tabBetween.jpg" BORDER=0></TD>
> > > <TD NOWRAP STYLE="cursor:hand;" ONCLICK="goToUrl('/
> > > ShellValidationAction.do?dispatch=ShellCoverageInfo');"
> > > CLASS=tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Quote
> > > Coverage&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
> > > <TD><IMG SRC="../images/tabBetween.jpg" BORDER=0></TD>
> > > <TD NOWRAP STYLE="cursor:hand;" ONCLICK="goToUrl('/
> > > ShellValidationAction.do?dispatch=ShellProducerInfo');"
> > > CLASS=tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Producer&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</
> > > TD>
> > > <TD width = 99%><IMG SRC="../images/tabBetween.jpg" BORDER=0></TD>
> > > </TR>
> > > <TR>
> > > On Apr 27, 12:09 pm, Vishal <bvkon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > I asked the developers, we checked the in 
> > > > websitehttp://extjs.com/deploy/dev/docs/
> > > > documents onTabpanel.
> > > > We think following event is fired
> > > > i)activate : ( Ext.Panel p )
> > > > Fires after the Panel has been visually activated. Note that Panels do
> > > > not directly support being activated, but some...
> > > > Fires after the Panel has been visually activated. Note that Panels do
> > > > not directly support being activated, but some Panel subclasses do
> > > > (like Ext.Window). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel
> > > > fire the activate and deactivate events under the control of the
> > > > TabPanel.
> > > > Listeners will be called with the following arguments:
> > > >     * p : Ext.Panel
> > > >       The Panel that has been activated.
> > > > ii)beforetabchange : ( TabPanel this, Panel newTab, Panel currentTab )
> > > > Fires before the activetabchanges. Handlers can return false to
> > > > cancel thetabchange.
> > > > Fires before the activetabchanges. Handlers can return false to
> > > > cancel thetabchange.
> > > > Listeners will be called with the following arguments:
> > > >     * this : TabPanel
> > > >     * newTab : Panel
> > > >       Thetabbeing activated
> > > >     * currentTab : Panel
> > > >       The current activetab
> > > > When we implement this in our code
> > > > $ie.span(:text ,"Documents").span(:index,1).fire_event("activate")
> > > > I get an exception
> > > > D:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.2/lib/watir/element.rb:257:in
> > > > `method_m
> > > > issing': fireEvent (WIN32OLERuntimeError)
> > > >     OLE error code:80070057 in htmlfile
> > > >       Invalid argument.
> > > > I guess there is no such Event, thats why I am getting this message.
> > > > Let me know if we test do this in a different way.
> > > > On Apr 24, 5:55 pm, Željko Filipin <zeljko.fili...@wa-research.ch>
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 14:53, Vishal <bvkon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > > Do you have any other suggestions?
> > > > > Ask your developer(s) are they sure that onclick is fired. If the 
> > > > > answer is
> > > > > yes, show them how your code can opentabwhen firing that event.
> > > > > Željko- Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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